Patrick Diviš


Svatopluk – vládce Moravanů a Slovanů
Creative Producer
Svatopluk – vládce Moravanů a Slovanů
Step By Step
Creative Producer
The popularity of the Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage continues to grow. Four Czech pilgrimage stories also inspired a new pilgrim, who has just embarked on his long journey. He steps out of his comfort zone to not only discover the magic of the pilgrimage, but also to find himself. When a pilgrim meets a pilgrim on the way to Santiago de Compostela, their first question is clear: “Where are you coming from?” Because every step counts. This is evidenced by four pilgrims’ stories: Kvakin, who came from Boskovice; Olga, who managed her own pilgrimage at an older age; Mario, whose journey summoned him on its own accord; and Peter, who was paralyzed in half his body but got up from his wheelchair and hit the road. We also follow the pilgrimage of Kamil Bartošek, better known as the entertainer and mystifier Kazma Kazmitch.
Step By Step
The popularity of the Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage continues to grow. Four Czech pilgrimage stories also inspired a new pilgrim, who has just embarked on his long journey. He steps out of his comfort zone to not only discover the magic of the pilgrimage, but also to find himself. When a pilgrim meets a pilgrim on the way to Santiago de Compostela, their first question is clear: “Where are you coming from?” Because every step counts. This is evidenced by four pilgrims’ stories: Kvakin, who came from Boskovice; Olga, who managed her own pilgrimage at an older age; Mario, whose journey summoned him on its own accord; and Peter, who was paralyzed in half his body but got up from his wheelchair and hit the road. We also follow the pilgrimage of Kamil Bartošek, better known as the entertainer and mystifier Kazma Kazmitch.
Searching For Jan Skácel
Creative Producer
A collage of influences, spoken sentences, deeds, traces, and appearances of the Brno poet and prose writer Jan Skácel. Contemporary cultural figures regard the author as a social and cultural phenomenon. The directors of this documentary, on the other hand, decided to treat Jan Skácel as a subject of literary and social history, whose role in the cluster of regime and cultural events is unwavering and often – nowadays – glorified or otherwise embellished. In the film, they attempt to distance themselves from the established ideas about Jan Skácel and, at the same time, from past interpretations of Jan Skácel’s work. Instead, they interpret him through their own series of images.
J. A. Komenský – Život a dílo
Creative Producer
J. A. Komenský – Život a dílo
Jako letní sníh – Život J. A. Komenského
Creative Producer
Jako letní sníh – Život J. A. Komenského
Ondřej Sekora – Práce všeho druhu
Creative Director
Joachim Barrande – ztracená moře
Creative Producer
Creative Producer
Poslední útěk Jeronýma Pražského
Creative Producer
Poslední útěk Jeronýma Pražského
Jan Hus – Cesta bez návratu
Creative Producer
David Zeisberger – apoštol indiánů
Creative Producer
Všetky moje deti
Creative Producer
Hrabě Zinzendorf – síla přesvědčení
Creative Producer