Kim Sung-bok


Hand in Hand
Director of Photography
A couple who had been married for forty years now prepare for death together as the wife gets cancer and has only two months to live.
Director of Photography
1978年頃、ベトナム戦争帰りのよそ者ユ・モッキョンは村の祈祷院で修行に励み、人望を得ていた。 約30年後、息子のヘグクは父モッキョンが死んだと知らせを受け、疎遠だった父の葬儀のために村にやって来る。ヘグクは刑事だったが、失職して離婚。村は元刑事の村長チョン・ヨンドクによって牛耳られており、村人たちは喪主のヘグクを歓迎しない。葬儀後にはソウルへ帰ることを促す村人たちの意に反して、父の死に疑問を持ったヘグクは村にとどまる。
Public Enemy Returns
Director of Photography
Kang Chul-jung has been a detective fighting crime for 15 years and is at it again against a mob boss who recruits young kids to do his dirty work.
Another Public Enemy
Director of Photography
A criminal psychopath from a wealthy family is confronted with Chul-jung Kang, a former classmate who no longer likes his activities.
Director of Photography
1968年1月、北朝鮮特殊工作部隊による韓国大統領府襲撃未遂事件が発生。同年4月、韓国政府はその報復として仁川沖のシルミド (実尾島)に死刑囚ら31人の男たちを集め、極秘に金日成暗殺指令を下した。こうして31人は、当時の暦から名付けられた684部隊の特殊工作員として、過酷な訓練を開始する。3年後、優秀な工作員に仕立て上げられた彼らに、いよいよ実行命令が下される。しかし、政府の対北政策は決行目前になって大きく転換、北への潜入に向け行動を開始した部隊に急遽命令の撤回が告げられる。
Break Out
Director of Photography
How far would you go to recover a cigarette lighter? A pulsing mix of hard-hitting action, wry social commentary, and black humor, director Jang Hang Joon's Break Out takes a simple premise and spins it into a spiraling film experience. Penniless and slothful Bong Gu (Kim Seung Woo) loses his cheap lighter in the Seoul train station washroom, and it falls into the hands of gangster leader Chul Gon (Cha Seung Won). Bong Gu, determined to retrieve his lighter, follows Chul Gon to Pusan, but the task turns out to be a lot more difficult than he had imagined.
Public Enemy
Director of Photography
A notorious dirty cop makes an honest attempt to catch a serial killer who even murdered his own parents.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Tell Me Something
Director of Photography
In Seoul, parts not matching of severed copses of three men are found in cars and bags left in public spaces.
Director of Photography
The Contact
Director of Photography
The male radio presenter Donghyun and the female TV home shopping phone operator Soohyun are both lonely. While Donghyun is focused on getting back to his ex-girl-friend Younghae who has sent him a special LP, Soohyun is crazy for her friend's boy-friend. Via Internet and music Soohyun and Donghyun get together in a special way.