Lee Hye-min


Digital Intermediate
Hyun-su and Soo-jin are newlyweds. Seemingly out of nowhere, he starts talking in his sleep. "Someone's inside." From that night on, whenever he falls asleep, he transforms into someone else with no recollection of what happened the night before. Soo-jin is overwhelmed with anxiety that he'd hurt her family while she sleeps and can barely sleep a wink because of this irrational fear. Despite sleep treatment, Hyun-su's sleepwalking only intensifies, and she begins to feel that her unborn child may be in danger.
Perhaps Love
Kim Hyun is a best-selling author who has been experiencing a writer's block for seven years. He keeps an amicable relationship with his ex-wife Mi-ae, who is now dating his best friend and publisher, as they take care of their oversensitive teenage son. To get back on his feet with his career, he decides to work on a new novel with an aspiring writer, his student, Yoo-jin, only to get his life more complicated when Yoo-jin comes out as gay and confesses his love for him.
The 8th Night
With prayer beads in one hand and an ax in the other, a monk hunts down a millennia-old spirit that's possessing humans and unleashing hell on Earth.
ハード・ヒット 発信制限
On his way to work, a bank manager receives an anonymous call claiming there's a bomb under his car seat, and if anyone exits the car, it will explode unless he can pay a ransom.
Pastor Park is head of a religious investigation center that exposes cults and cult leaders. While looking into a suspicious new religion called Deer Mount, he slowly uncovers clues that connect this cult to a series of mysterious cases of missing teenage girls when a body is found inside a damaged tunnel beams. He begins to uncover dark secrets surrounding this cult and its enforcer Na-han.
Park Hwa-young
Hwa-young is an 18-year-old student living alone. Her friends call her “mom” and use her house as their place to hang out, but don’t really include her in their clique. Hwa-young pays particular attention to one of the friends, Mijeong.
Miso lives from day to day by housekeeping. Cigarettes and whiskey are the two things that get her through the day. As cigarette prices and rent start to rise, Miso decides to give up her house for cigarettes and whiskey, leading her to couch surf with old friends while reconsidering her place in life.
「王の涙 イ・サンの決断」のヒョンビンと「ベテラン」「極秘捜査」のユ・ヘジンが、韓国と北朝鮮の刑事を演じたアクションエンタテインメント。アメリカドルの偽札を作成する犯罪組織の捜査にあたっていた北朝鮮の刑事イム・チョルリョンは、上司の裏切りにより仲間と妻を殺されてしまう。偽札作成の銅版を奪って韓国へ逃亡した組織から秘密裏に銅版を取り返すべく、北朝鮮はチョルリョンをソウルに派遣。北朝鮮から国際犯罪者の逮捕要請を受けた韓国は、歴史上初となる南北共助捜査を極秘に契約する。しかし、韓国サイドは北朝鮮の本当の思惑を探るため、担当刑事のカン・ジンテに偽装捜査を指令。ジンテはチョルリョンの監視任務を遂行する。ヒョンビンが北朝鮮サイドの刑事チョルリョン役を、ヘジンが韓国サイドの庶民派熱血刑事ジンテ役を演じるほか、「ビューティー・インサイド」などで知られ、2017年10月に事故で他界したキム・ジュヒョク、アイドルグループ「少女時代」のユナらが出演。
チョン・ウチ 時空道士
Spanning four centuries in Korea, this epic action-adventure concerns a powerful pipe and a trio of wizards who will do anything to protect it.
Digital Colorist
A respected priest volunteers for an experimental procedure that may lead to a cure for a deadly virus. He gets infected and dies, but a blood transfusion of unknown origin brings him back to life. Now, he’s torn between faith and bloodlust, and has a newfound desire for the wife of a childhood friend.