Jung Sung-jin

出生 : 1972-09-12,


Hansan: Rising Dragon
VFX Supervisor
In 1592, admiral Yi Sun-sin and his fleet face off against the might of the invading Japanese navy and its formidable warships. As the Korean forces fall into crisis, the admiral resorts to using his secret weapon, the dragon head ships known as geobukseon, in order to change the tide of this epic battle at sea.
Visual Effects Supervisor
パラサイト 半地下の家族
Visual Effects Director
過去に度々事業に失敗、計画性も仕事もないが楽天的な父キム・ギテク。そんな甲斐性なしの夫に強くあたる母チュンスク。大学受験に落ち続け、若さも能力も持て余している息子ギウ。美大を目指すが上手くいかず、予備校に通うお金もない娘ギジョンは、“ 半地下住宅”で 暮らす貧しい4人家族だ。“半地下”の家は、暮らしにくい。窓を開ければ、路上で散布される消毒剤が入ってくる。電波が悪い。Wi-Fiも弱い。水圧が低いからトイレが家の一番高い位置に鎮座している。家族全員、ただただ“普通の暮らし”がしたい。受験経験は豊富だが学歴のないギウは、ある時、エリート大学生の友人から留学中の代打を頼まれる。ギウが向かった先は、IT企業の社長パク・ドンイク一家が暮らす高台の大豪邸だった。
A Haunting Hitchhike
VFX Supervisor
Sixteen year-old girl Jeong-ae receives a letter from her mother, who left home long ago. Jeong-ae is living with her father in the redevelopment area of Seoul. He was diagnosed with an end-stage cancer and is waiting for his death while giving up treatment. Jeongae is on her way to find her long lost mother, thinking that it is her only hope left.
Take Point
Visual Effects Supervisor
On the day of the U.S. presidential election in 2024, a team of elite mercenaries embark on a secret CIA mission to abduct North Korea's politician in an underground bunker below the Korean Demilitarized Zone. However, they get caught in the crossfire which causes tensions to escalate to the brink of World War III.
神と共に  第二章:因と縁
Visual Effects Supervisor
Land of Happiness
Visual Effects Supervisor
When Min-soo's birthday comes, he visits Hui-ja’s house with a feeling of uneasiness. Gladly welcomed by her family, he stares fixedly at the prepared memorial table in the living room. The table was for her son, Jin-woo, who died 8 years ago saving Min-soo's life when he tried to kill himself. Hui-ja greets Min-soo with warmth thinking about her dead son, but he regards everything as a discomfort and a pain. Is it possible to keep each Min-soo and Hui-ja's happiness?
Visual Effects Supervisor
After a traumatic event, a drug trafficker turns sides and conspires with a dangerously ambitious undercover police officer to bring down the mysterious kingpin of a major drug cartel.
神と共に 第一章:罪と罰
Visual Effects Supervisor
Visual Effects Supervisor
Warriors of the Dawn
Visual Effects Supervisor
A crown prince emerges as a leader during the war between Korea and Japan in 1592.
Visual Effects Director
わずか3分16秒のうちに殺人犯に仕立てられた主人公クォン。次々に出てくる思いもよらない証拠。全ては何者かに仕組まれたかのように彼を犯人として導いていく―まったく身に覚えのない罪を着せられたクォンは、仲間から黒幕の存在を告げられる。クォンの元に、この仕組まれた殺人の実態を暴くためそれぞれの特技を持ったゲーマー仲間5人が集結。次々と明らかになる真実に伴い、ある男の存在が浮かび上がる。しかし、その存在を知ったとき、男の恐るべき力を目の当たりにするのだった。 街全体を操作する巨大な力を持った男に、たった6人で立ち向かうゲーマーたち。果たして彼らに勝機はあるのか!?
The Long Way Home
Visual Effects Director
Nam-bok, a middle-aged South Korean farmer is conscripted and assigned a mission to deliver a classified military document that may decide the fate of the war. After losing it while under attack from the enemy, he then faces a teenage North Korean soldier named Yeong-gwang who happens to acquire the secret document on his way to the North.
Visual Effects Supervisor
At the cusp of the founding of Joseon Dynasty, an envoy from China is delivering Emperor’s Ming’s Royal Seal. But nature in the form of a giant whale intervenes and swallows the royal seal. When a generous reward is offered to whomever can retrieve the royal seal from the belly of the whale, the race is on. A group of mountain bandits led by Jang Sa Jung and a group of pirates led by Yeo Wol go after the lost treasure, but who will get to to it first?
Mr. Go
Visual Effects Supervisor
A 15-year-old circus ringmaster Wei-wei is left all alone with gorilla Ling-ling after grandfather passes away. Thanks to her grandfather's love for baseball, Ling-ling was trained to play baseball and has developed remarkable hitting skills.
Visual Effects Supervisor
In 'A Brave New World', a virus brings the city to ruins and zombies flood the streets of Seoul. In 'The Heavenly Creature', a robot reaches enlightenment while working at a temple, but its creators deem this phenomenon a threat to mankind. In the final segment, 'Happy Birthday', a young girl logs onto a strange website and places an order for a new billiard ball for her father. Soon afterwards a meteor heads toward Earth and people flee to underground bomb shelters.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Visual Effects Supervisor
In 1951 ceasefire is declared, but two remaining armies fought their final battle on the front line Towards the end of the Korean War, a South Korean battalion is fiercely battling over a hill on the front line border against the North in order to capture a strategic point that would determine the new border between two nations. The ownership of this small patch of land would swap multiple times each day. Kang is dispatched to the front line in order to investigate the tacit case that’s been happening there.
Visual Effects Supervisor
春香秘伝 The Servant
Visual Effects Supervisor
A servant falls in love with a girl whom his master also desires. Although the girl loves the servant, she also longs to improve her station in life.
Take Off
Visual Effects Supervisor
Five men go for the gold as members of Korea national ski jumping team.
Visual Effects Director
Mr. Kim is jobless, lost in debt and has been dumped by his girlfriend. He decides to end it all by jumping into the Han River - only to find himself washed up on a small, mid-river island. He soon abandons thoughts of suicide or rescue and begins a new life as a castaway. His antics catch the attention of a young woman whose apartment overlooks the river. Her discovery changes both their lives.
Visual Effects Supervisor
During the reign of King Sejong in the 15th century, the Joseon Dynasty was the embodiment of the perfect state. To the Ming China, the aspiring imperial power, Joseon presented an obstacle to territorial expansion. To protect themselves from war, King Sejong develops a secret weapon to defend their territory and take back their land and supremacy.
Visual Effects Director
 オリジナリティ溢れる作風で世界的にファンの多いクリエイター、ミシェル・ゴンドリー、レオス・カラックス、ポン・ジュノが東京を舞台に競作した豪華なオムニバス・ムービー。  ミシェル・ゴンドリー監督「インテリア・デザイン」──映画監督の恋人と上京したばかりのヒロインに降りかかる不思議な出来事を綴るファンタジー・ストーリー。主演は藤谷文子と加瀬亮。映画監督の恋人アキラと一緒に上京してきたヒロコ。高校時代の同級生アケミの部屋に居候しながらバイト探しを始める2人だったが、アキラとは対照的に都会の水になかなか馴染めないヒロコは、次第に疎外感を感じ始める。  レオス・カラックス監督「メルド」──監督の盟友ドニ・ラヴァンが東京中を震撼させる謎の怪人に扮する不条理劇。マンホールの中から突然現われては、街中で奇行を繰り返し、道行く人々に危害を加える神出鬼没の謎の男メルド。メディアでも大きく取り上げられ、いつしか“下水道の怪人”と呼ばれ、東京の人々を恐怖に陥れるメルドだったが…。  ポン・ジュノ監督「シェイキング東京」──香川照之と蒼井優を主演に迎え、引きこもり男とピザの宅配少女との奇妙な心の交流を描くファンタジー・ラブストーリー。10年間引きこもりの生活を送る一人の男。土曜日には必ずピザを頼むその男の家に、その日、配達に来たのは美しい少女だった。思いがけず、少女と見つめ合ってしまう男。その瞬間、突然大地が揺れ、少女は気絶してしまうのだが…。
Visual Effects Supervisor
When Eun-soo gets lost in a country road, he meets a mysterious girl and is led to her fairytale ike house in the middle of the forest. There, Eun-soo is trapped with the girl and her siblings who never age. Eun-soo finally discovers a way out which is written on a fairy tale book. But the book tells a story of none other than himself!
Visual Effects Director
Visual Effects Director
Young-goon, mentally deranged and frequently electro-charging herself with a transistor radio, has been admitted into a mental institution. Firmly believing herself to be a cyborg, she refuses to consume like a human being. Il-soon is another patient, who catches the eye of Young-goon and soon becomes a close friend. Il-soon is now confronted with the biggest task: to cure Young-goon's mental problem and have her eat real food.
グエムル -漢江の怪物-
Visual Effects Director
You Are My Sunshine
Visual Effects Director
An old bachelor Seok-joong, who has no experience in dating, falls in love at first sight with a prostitute named Eun-ha. At first Eun-ha shows no interest in Seok-joong, but gradually she begins to be flattered by his devotion and eventually falls in love with him. They marry. However, one day, Eun-ha finds out that she is infected with HIV and decides to leave Seok-joong...
Antarctic Journal
Visual Effects Director
During their journey the expedition led by Captain Choi Do-hyung discovers a journal that was left behind by a British expedition 80 years earlier. The journal was remarkably preserved in a box in the snow and Kim Min-jae, another member of the expedition, gets the job of examining it. It turns out that the two expeditions shared the same goal and soon other strange similarities between them start to show up.
Visual Effects Director
An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors: Dumplings, directed by Fruit Chan of Hong Kong, Cut directed by Park Chan-Wook of Korea, and Box directed by Miike Takashi of Japan.
Visual Effects Director
Untold Scandal
Visual Effects Director
In late 1700s Korea, Lady Cho challenges the playboy Lord Jo-won into seducing and sleeping with her husband's coming young, virgin concubine. Lady Cho agrees to sleep with him if he succeeds.