Martial Arts Choreographer
Silver Fox (Hwang Jan Lee) fights a dark martial arts master imbued with weird magical powers (which include performing strange rituals on captive women) and, of course, fantastic fighting skills. The Fox will need every one of his own prodigious fighting skills to triumph over the forces of evil that marshal against him in this rock 'em, sock 'em martial arts epic. The very formidable Leung Kar Yan costars.
The plot centres around Wu Tang villain, Abbot White, who wants to destroy the Shaolin monks and become supreme martial artist. In order to do so, he teams up with a clan of Ninjas, led by three masters – gold lamé ninja, white mustachioed ninja and black ninja – and succeeds in destroying the Shaolin temple and most of its inhabitants. However, there are some survivors. It is their job to pass on the knowledge of the Shaolin finger jab to a new generation, who must defeat the ninjas and Abbott White if peace and order is to be restored.
One of the Four Kings w/fan
A marriage between nobles in Ancient China sets the stage for murder, monsters, and mutilation as the invited guests search for a secret hidden treasure. A search that leads them through dark evil forests, opulent palaces, and each other! When two sick and twisted killers enter the fray it is up to our hat wearing hero to straighten things out and put the warlords, henchmen, and evil ninja six feet under! But is he working for the law, or himself?
One of Wu's men
To free his girlfriend from her contract with a greedy madam, Shang Li (Don Wong) teams up with a cold-blooded thief called the Sparrow (Chiang-lung Wen) to hijack a large shipment of silver. But when the heist suddenly goes bad, Shang Li finds himself with blood on his hands and a price on his head. Martial arts superstars Angela Mao and Lieh Lo also star in this kung fu classic from writer-director Pao-Shu Kao.
日本軍統治下の台湾。港で入国審査を待つミウの荷物を盗んだスリの青年ロンは、実は彼女が日本軍の弾圧を逃れ、上海からやってきた名門拳法道場・精武会師範の娘ライイーであることを知る。根は素直で正義感の強いロンは、台湾の武人を眼の敵にして横暴な振る舞い続ける大和門道場の日本人たちに反感を抱き、精武門に入門。厳しい修行に励んで幻の武術・迷踪拳を修得、大和門道場との前面対決に立ち上がる。 伝説の武道家スター、ブルース・リーの名作で、ジャッキー・チェンがスタントマンとして参加した「ドラゴン 怒りの鉄拳」の正式な続編。ロー・ウェオ監督ら主要スタッフが再集結。この作品で成龍と改名したジャッキーが第二のブルース・リーとして売り出された。前作の設定を受け継ぎつつ、ジャッキーの明るい個性を活かした作品に仕上げているが、最後には衝撃の結末が待ち受ける。