Takashi Imai


Director of Photography
I'm telling you to be a great person like my dad. Tokuichi was at one time a prominent figure in an amateur band. Now he's unemployed, behind on his rent and alimony for his divorced wife and children. One day, his old bandmate, Kiichi, invites him to be the singer of his new band. When he goes to his shop to ask her about it, he finds the woman he had met before waiting for him with a message from Kiichi. The two hit it off and go to Kiichi's training camp, but when they arrive, the band has already broken up. A man who is clumsy and always misses his luck, a man who eats up other people's dreams and is always on the move, and a woman who stands dangerously between the two. The more the story progresses, the more we see the many facets of each of them, and the more the story lingers. From the noisy dialogues and cuts, music can be heard.
任侠外伝 玄海灘
Art Direction
Two yakuza, one of whom frequently reflects on an uncomfortable past taking advantage of Korean women, meet a stowaway on Japanese soil from across the Genkai Sea.
Art Direction
西村寿行の同名小説を原作としたサスペンスアクション作品。 検事の杜丘冬人は新宿の雑踏で見知らぬ女から「金品を盗まれ強姦された」と告発され緊急逮捕されてしまう。他の男も「カメラを盗まれた」と供述、逮捕に必要な証拠も揃っていた。自分にかけられた罠を取り除くため、現場検証の場から逃走を図る冬人。女の正体をつかみ彼女の郷里へ向かうが、すでに女は殺されており、冬人は殺人犯として追われることに。日高山中に逃げ延びた冬人は、自分をはめた真犯人が政界の黒幕である長岡了介ではないかと思い始める。