César Vea

César Vea


César Vea


Getaway Plan
Chief of Operations
A thief expert with blowtorch is hired by a group of the Russian mob for a bank assault.
El Tutor
After a complicated divorce, Gabriel rents a remote house to live by himself. In one of the rooms he finds a strange box which contains different objects, each of which relates to an unresolved crime. Finding the connection between the victims and working out who the killer is become his obsession.
Return to Hansala
A woman loses her brother in an illegal immigration attempt and must return his body to their homeland.
La torre de Suso
Cundo emigrated to Argentina to seek a new life. Ten years later he returns home, to the funeral of an old friend, Suso. The film chronicles the reunion with family and friends and how Cundo wants to fulfill the ultimate dream of Suso. The film is a tribute to friendship. And above all friendship in a age where it is not so clear why you should remain friends with your childhood friends.
 「ブレイド2」「ヘルボーイ」のギレルモ・デル・トロ監督が「デビルズ・バックボーン」に続いて再びスペイン内戦を背景に描く哀切のダーク・ファンタジー。再婚した母に連れられ、山中でレジスタンス掃討の指揮をとる冷酷な義父のもとへとやって来た空想好きの少女は、やがて残酷な現実世界から逃避し森の中の不思議な迷宮へと迷い込んでいくが…。イマジネーションあふれるヴィジュアルと深いテーマ性が高く評価され、いわゆるジャンル映画でありながら数々の映画賞を席巻する活躍で大きな注目を集めた話題作。  1944年のスペイン。内戦終結後もフランコ政権の圧政に反発する人々がゲリラ闘争を繰り広げる山間部。内戦で父を亡くした少女オフェリアは、臨月の母カルメンと共にこの山奥へとやって来る。この地でゲリラの鎮圧にあたるビダル将軍と母が再婚したのだった。冷酷で残忍な義父に恐怖と憎しみを募らせるオフェリア。その夜、彼女は昆虫の姿をした不思議な妖精に導かれ、謎めいた迷宮へと足を踏み入れる。そこでオフェリアを出迎えたパン<牧神>は、彼女が地底の魔法の国のプリンセスの生まれ変わりで、満月の夜までに3つの試練を乗り越えれば、魔法の国に帰ることが出来ると告げる。オフェリアはその言葉を信じて、与えられた3つの試練に立ち向かう決意を固めるのだったが…。
Ibiza Dream
Hermano de Carlos
Three old friends who have each come to a crossroads in their lives. Carlos (Paco Marin) has decided he is a hedonist. Chica (Adriana Dominguez) has grown tired of her lifestyle on Ibiza and begins to seek something more. Nacho (Adria Collado) has found spiritual enlightenment in India and has returned to Ibiza and must now figure out how his new views fit into his old world.
Guardia jurado
Bored 15-year-old school chums Rai Manu and Javi dream of sexual adventures and exotic resorts while the well-off population of Madrid flock to the beaches on a summer holiday. The youths hang around the concrete wasteland killing time by reading the sex classifieds and pushing their luck. They masturbate, thieve, fight with their families and get involved in a drug bust. Finally Rai, the most daring and restless of the trio - gets shot while trying to steal stereo gear from a car. Each adolescent faces a dreary home life but when they get together they enjoy each other's company to the full. The film is an engaging mixture of comedy drama and the pathos of life in a Madrid neighborhood.
Torrente, the Dumb Arm of the Law
Torrente, The Stupid Arm of The Law by Santiago Segura stars Javier Cámara as a corrupt, poor, delusional, sexist, egocentric, drunk and right-winged Madrid cop named Torrente. This over the top comedy shows Torrente on his search for heroin drug dealers and the outrageous characters he passes on his way. A cult film and one of the funniest Spanish films was the most successful box-office film.
Sleepless in Madrid
Chico Pasaje
Eva, Alba y Juan are the protagonist of the story. Eva gives birth to Marina, Alba has just been left by her boyfriend. And Juan is happily married. Their paths intersect one night and their lifes will change forever.
Not Love, Just Frenzy
From the land of Almodovar comes a hot new film about drugs, sex & everything else!
Antonio, a taxi driver, his wife, and two chidren arrive one fine afternoon at a solitary beach, looking for sea-shells. However, they will find more than expected: namely, Ombasi and Yambo, two illegal African immigrants, apparently thrown back to the ocean from where they came, in search of a better life in Spain. The sun sets, and the evening, night and morning which follow see other bizarre characters entering the scene, before the Africans' and the other characters' fates are finally decided.
Angel, an exterminator recently released from a mental hospital, comes to rid a small Spanish town of tiny grubs in the soil. The local wine-making industry has found these pests responsible for giving their product an "earthy" taste that has divided local opinion. While in town, Angel becomes involved with two beautiful and very different women, and impacts their lives on a grand scale. Can either of these women accept the fact that Angel travels with a "ghost" of himself, or that he routinely speaks with the deseased townspeople?