Pieter van den Wats

Pieter van den Wats


Pieter van den Wats is a Dutch Film&Music Producer, Writer, Director and Comedian at LOL-Productions.


Pieter van den Wats
Pieter van den Wats


LOL & der Aufstieg des Bösen
Bad Santa and Sick Granny have left hell. With their intention to lure people to hell, DickFace, Regga and Cool Santa have to stop them by making fun. On their journey they meet a lot of nice people and of course some really messed-up people.
LOL & der Aufstieg des Bösen
Bad Santa and Sick Granny have left hell. With their intention to lure people to hell, DickFace, Regga and Cool Santa have to stop them by making fun. On their journey they meet a lot of nice people and of course some really messed-up people.
LOL & der Aufstieg des Bösen
Bad Santa and Sick Granny have left hell. With their intention to lure people to hell, DickFace, Regga and Cool Santa have to stop them by making fun. On their journey they meet a lot of nice people and of course some really messed-up people.
LOL & der Aufstieg des Bösen
Voices Police Officers
Bad Santa and Sick Granny have left hell. With their intention to lure people to hell, DickFace, Regga and Cool Santa have to stop them by making fun. On their journey they meet a lot of nice people and of course some really messed-up people.
LOL & der Aufstieg des Bösen
Voice Special Agent
Bad Santa and Sick Granny have left hell. With their intention to lure people to hell, DickFace, Regga and Cool Santa have to stop them by making fun. On their journey they meet a lot of nice people and of course some really messed-up people.
LOL & der Aufstieg des Bösen
Bad Santa
Bad Santa and Sick Granny have left hell. With their intention to lure people to hell, DickFace, Regga and Cool Santa have to stop them by making fun. On their journey they meet a lot of nice people and of course some really messed-up people.
LOL & der Aufstieg des Bösen
Cool Santa
Bad Santa and Sick Granny have left hell. With their intention to lure people to hell, DickFace, Regga and Cool Santa have to stop them by making fun. On their journey they meet a lot of nice people and of course some really messed-up people.