Mohamad Safwhat


Legs In Mud
Fardous is in prison for stealing a watch. She shares a cell with Samia, who works in a show band and is wrongly arrested in a brothel and Mona who accidentally killed a child with her car. When Fardous comes out, she works in Asfour's poultry farm, but leaves it when he and his son compete to marry her.
Shaeban hadhih al ayaam
Hosni does not find a suitable time to spend at home to consider the affairs of his house, wife and children, as he is the editor-in-chief of one of the well-known magazines, writes about youth issues, but he finds himself immersed in work and in a relationship with his secretary, Suheir, without knowing that she is secretly married to his son Khaled, except That the October war erupts and Khalid invokes with others, the father discovers the extent of his mistake and his wife returns to the house while sending his son before his martyrdom a letter to his father recommending him to his wife Suheir.