Dale Godboldo

Dale Godboldo

出生 : 1975-07-05, Dallas, Texas, USA


Dale Godboldo


Executive Producer
Following the passing of his father, Aaron Hammond returns to his hometown to help his devastated mother and to confront his past demons. Sifting through his father’s belongings, Aaron comes upon a mysterious item that is far more than it seems.
Ryan Gosling - Hollywoods Halbgott
Starting his career in the 1990's, starred in few television series and get parts in movies. But he only gets public and critical acknowledgement in 2011 with three movies : Crazy Stupid Love, Drive, and the Ides of March. Depiction of an actor, less bland than his image let us think.
Christmas with the Andersons
Drowning in tinsel and lights every Christmas, Michael and Caroline Anderson throw the year’s biggest party at their house. But this year, with Michael jobless and Caroline’s store struggling, that tradition may end. The Andersons decide to host a very different kind of party and, in the process, rediscover what’s most important about the holiday.
Agent Garrett
Fame フェーム
An updated version of the 1980 musical, which centered on the students of the New York Academy of Performing Arts.
Year of the Dog
A secretary's life changes in unexpected ways after her dog dies.
New Suit
Power Agent #1
A once-idealistic writer inadvertently ignites a feeding frenzy in Hollywood with the mention of a mysterious new screenplay and its illusive author.
Random Shooting in LA
The seamy side of Los Angeles is revealed through the lens of a stolen video camera as it passes through a succession of owners.
第四次中東戦争の最中、イスラエル空軍に所属する1機のA-4が戦術核爆弾を搭載して基地を離陸するが、飛行中にアラブ連合軍の2K12地対空ミサイルによって撃墜される。パイロットは死亡し、機体も空中で大破するが、搭載されていた戦術核は原形を留めたまま砂漠の砂中に埋もれてゆく。 それから月日は流れ、ロシアで前大統領が急死しチェチェン紛争に関して強硬姿勢も辞さない新大統領ネメロフが就任し、米ロ両国の緊迫した関係を改善するため米国はCIAの長官キャボットとその補佐のジャック・ライアンをロシアに派遣する。しかし、両国の間で生じた相互の不信はぬぐえず、これを利用したネオナチやKKKを中心とした勢力が戦争を起こそうと策動を始めた。
Master burglar Max Hopper is released early after three years and soon gets an exceptional job: stealing an advanced computer-chip from the IQ Industries headquarters. His first attempt fails; when he enters in cop uniform during an emergency board meeting, a fire quickly spreads- he considers it a godsend opportunity and stays, but soon has his hands too full saving other lives and just surviving to concentrate on the chip; only the owner, his wife who just filed for divorce and a few employees remain, but it soon turns out one of them stole company secrets but the arsonist and/or another chip-thieves are among them.
The Young Unknowns
Charlie, his sexy girlfriend, and his moronic best friend drink, drug, and self-destruct over the course of one day at Charlie's father home in Los Angeles.
Cold Hearts
A quiet town in New Jersey possesses a dark secret. Viktoria has given her life and soul to the ways of the vampire...
Dirt Merchant
Zeke the Geek
A slacker turns P.I. to solve a rock star's murder.