Man at Party (uncredited)
インテリアデザイナーとして華々しく活躍していたはずが一転、解雇されてしまった女性。故郷に帰った彼女を待っていたのは、父が経営する引っ越し会社の買収話だった。次々とライバル会社に顧客が奪われていく中、果たして起死回生の策はあるのか? 若者たちが新たな1歩を踏み出す姿をドラマチックに描く感動ドラマ!
Man Walking (uncredited)
Ten-year-old Megan, who upon receiving a Secret Santa gift, is touched by its contents which end up having a huge impact on her life. Now a driven young journalist, Megan can’t shake her desire to thank the person who sent her that heartfelt gift over a decade ago. Determined to prove herself to her editor, she goes on the search for the perfect Christmas story, and in doing so, she finally discovers who her Secret Santa is. Inspired by a true story.