Sound Editor
British documentarian Nick Broomfield creates a follow-up piece to his 1992 documentary of the serial killer Aileen Wuornos, a highway prostitute who was convicted of killing six men in Florida between 1989 and 1990. Interviewing an increasingly mentally unstable Wuornos, Broomfield captures the distorted mind of a murderer whom the state of Florida deems of sound mind -- and therefore fit to execute. Throughout the film, Broomfield includes footage of his testimony at Wuornos' trial.
Dolby Consultant
メルボルンのネオナチ若者ギャング集団のリーダー、ハンドーは、仲間のデイヴィーたちとともに夜な夜なヴェトナム系移民をリンチして憂さ晴らしする毎日。アジア人だけでなく富裕層や権力者などに対しても憎しみの感情だけを持ち、ドラッグ、窃盗、暴力漬けの人生もすべて彼らのせいであると信じ込んでいる。やはりドラッグ漬けの少女ゲイブ も仲間に引き入れるが、ハンドーのガールフレンドとなったゲイブにデイヴィーはほのかな恋心を抱く。そんなある日、ハンドーたちに仲間をリンチされたヴェトナム系集団が、ハンドーたちをはるかに上回る多勢で反撃し…。
Sound Effects Editor
Set in 1962, a young prepubescent boy in rural Australia watches painfully as his best friend and first love blossoms into womanhood and falls for a thuggish rugby player, changing the lives of everyone involved.
Sound Mixer
The trials and tribulations of the Goddard family after the entry of Australia into the Vietnam War.