中学を卒業してすぐに地元滋賀を離れ、ずっと東京に住むエイミ(鳴海唯)は、母親が亡くなった後も一人で滋賀の田舎で暮らしている妹・ユウ(河合優実)に、「東京で新しい人生を始めない?」と誘う。はじめは拒んでいたユウだがなぜか急に東京に来ることを受け入れ、一緒に暮らし始めるが、引っ越してきて早々、ユウは行方不明に… そんな折、エイミは同じく妹が行方不明になっているヒヨリ(仲万美)と出会う。エイミに、地元の琵琶湖で若い女性の遺体が見つかったと警察から連絡がくるが、見つかった遺体はユウではなく、なぜかヒヨリの妹だった。再び巡り合ったエイミとヒヨリは、共に犯人を捜すことになるが思わぬ方向へ…
鬼才のカリスマ映画監督・小林正の新作のオーディションに有名無名の女優たちが集結。興味本位で応募してきた者、夫の意思を継ぎ女優を目指す若き未亡人、「小林監督心中クラブ」のメンバー、浴衣姿の劇団員、やらせの有名女優、殺気立った訳ありの女…etc!? 一方、小林監督はエグゼクティブプロデューサーの無理な要望に苦悩し、シナリオ執筆もうまく進まない。そんな時、昔の彼女が監督の目の前に現れるが……。
Mayor's secretary
Born out of every artist’s creative crisis, the search for the next topic, Hirobumi WATANABE presents his latest film, dealing with the question of what his film should be about. The director stages himself as he idles away his days, delivering endless monologs during car rides, sleeping on the floor at his grandma’s house, or philosophizing over video games and the FIFA World Cup.
In a leap year in the 21st Century, actress Emi returns home for the first time in 12 years. Almost thirty but still far from being a popular star, she finds that the only thing unchanged back home is the view of old countryside. She finds all her friends older, properly grown up, and married with children. There are also matters to think of, such as money and age. She is not getting any younger. But Emi still believes that she is no ordinary person. She still believes in miracles. She is not going to change. Some day she will be transformed into someone really special. Depicting the dilemma, hope and fear that many women feel as they are about to turn thirty, this charming film features inspiring performances by the young cast.
The romantic ensemble piece revolves around a filmmaker who wants to stop cheating on his girlfriends, a fan who continues to pine for an idol, and a former idol who goes to meet him, while also contemplating the true meaning of 'proper love.'