Karl Walsh


First Assistant Camera
時は大飢饉から13年後の1862年。ナイチンゲールの教育を受けたイギリス人看護師のリブ・ライト (フローレンス・ピュー) が、アイルランドはミッドランズ地方の敬虔なコミュニティに呼ばれ、15日間かけて同胞の一人を観察するよう依頼されます。その人物とは、4ヵ月もの間食べていないにもかかわらず、天の恵みにより奇跡的に生かされているという11歳の少女、アナ・オドネル (キーラ・ロード・キャシディ)。アナの健康状態が急激に悪化するなか、リブは真実を暴こうと決意しますが、信じることをやめようとしない村人たちの厚い信仰が立ちはだかります。
The Edge of Chaos
First Assistant "A" Camera
The Keenan's are a well-respected family. Silently they have kept their secrets and watched the family fall apart over the recent years.
First Assistant Camera
Cian and Pat have been joined at the hip since they were kids and have the run of their small town in the midlands. Cian is content to coast through a life of booze and casual hook-ups while Pat has grown weary of his surroundings.
Broken Law
Camera Trainee
Dave Connolly is a respected member of the Garda Síochána but his loyalty to the law gets tested by his ex-convict brother Joe who is in desperate need of his help.