Marilo Nunez


What Makes a Family
Cop at Home
Janine and Sandy are a lesbian couple who decide to have a baby, but after a few years Sandy dies. This tragedy is exploited by Sandy's parents to snatch the girl from Janine's care. But then, and despite having the laws against her, Janine decides to fight in order to regain custody of her daughter.
A Slight Case of Murder
Production Assistant
In the midst of a spat, film critic Terry Thorpe accidentally kills his lover. Though Thorpe covers his tracks, he raises the suspicions of a private investigator, who then tries to blackmail him. Thorpe also falls under the watchful eye of Detective Fred Stapelli, a cop who is intent on becoming a screenwriter. Before long, Thorpe's girlfriend, Kit, and Stapelli's wife, Patricia, are roped into the case.
The Defenders: Taking the First
Rosalie Rodriguez
A racist provokes four teens into beating a Latino youth to death after one of his fiery speeches on a college campus. The Prestons are first called upon to defend one of the youths who gives testimony against the other three. Then, in a turnaround, the family of the murdered boy hires the Prestons to try to get a conviction against the racist.