Bill Mills

出生 : , Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada


Key Grip
Chloe, a teenager who is confined to a wheelchair, is homeschooled by her mother, Diane. Chloe soon becomes suspicious of her mother and begins to suspect that she may be harboring a dark secret.
チャイルド・プレイ ~チャッキーの狂気病棟~
Key Grip
Key Grip
ゴールデン・レトリバーの子犬ベイリーの“最愛の人”は、自分の命を救ってくれた少年イーサ ン。それ以来、1 匹と 1 人は固い絆で結ばれていく。しかし、犬の寿命は人間よりうんと短い。 ついに、ベイリーが旅立つ日がきてしまう―はずが、彼の愛は不死身だった!ベイリーはイー サンに会いたい一心で生まれ変わりを繰り返すが、そう簡単にはイーサンと遭遇できない。よう やく 3 度目で再会を果たしたベイリーは、自ら与えられた“重要な使命”に気付く。
Key Grip
チャイルド・プレイ 誕生の秘密
Key Grip
Mr. Soul
Key Grip
A serial killer preys on prostitutes from the mean streets of a small, mid-west city as the police turn a blind eye. With an insatiable sexual appetite, the killer brutalizes his victims and leaves their bodies at Moon Lake outside of town. A voice inside the killer's head commands him to kill, his victims beg for death. John Martin Crawford is only too happy to oblige. But Moon Lake happens to be a spiritual holy ground for the local Native Americans, and soon the victims' ghosts are haunting both family members and complete strangers in desperate pleas for justice so their souls may rest. A supernatural story that reminds us the dead are not powerless.
Skipped Parts
Key Grip
A woman and her son must leave a small South Carolina town because of her wild behavior.
Dolly Grip
A medieval cult travels to the 20th century and kills people in an attempt to bring about the end of the world. The policeman must stop them by summoning the spirit of Nostradamus.
Breach of Trust
Key Grip
For opposite reasons, an undercover federal agent and a small time hood join forces to take on a union of drug lords and dirty cops.