Luděk Škuta

出生 : 1920-03-18,

死亡 : 1994-05-02


Set Designer
Před premiérou
Set Designer
Daleko, hluboko, a vysoko
Production Design
Chlapi jak se patří
Set Designer
Hlavou proti zdi
Set Designer
Kandidát strany
Set Designer
Production Design
Někdo přece musí
Set Designer
Přebytečná pravda
Art Direction
Pohádka z Větrného lesa
Production Design
Set Designer
Život není sen, moje milá
Set Designer
Jednou v Karlových Varech
Set Designer
Deník psaný na vodu
Production Design
Potulné pohádkové divadlo I.
Set Designer
Ostrov Afrodity
Set Designer
Šek, na kterém chyběl podpis
Set Designer
Set Designer
Návrat do pekla
Set Designer
Set Designer
Jak se Kudla přepočítal
Production Design
Potulné pohádkové divadlo
Production Design
Production Design
Stříbrný rytíř
Set Designer
Set Designer
Uprostřed babího léta ve stepi zahoukal vlak
Set Designer
Příliš velká výhra
Set Designer
Brigitka a já
Set Designer
Tím hůř, když padnou
Set Designer
Deset dní za lásku
Set Designer
Production Design
Strýčkův sen
Art Direction
Stříbrná šestka
Set Designer
Pařížská komuna
Set Designer
Čtyři sváteční dny
Set Designer
Poloviční kouzelníci
Production Design
Očitý svědek
Set Designer
Zločincem proti své vůli
Set Designer
Set Designer
Kaktus, bomba, letadlo
Production Design
Hans mezi Petrem a Svenem
Set Designer
Art Direction
Set Designer
Já jsem Osango
Set Designer
La Musica
Set Designer
Art Direction
Production Design
Set Designer
Lucky Jim
Set Designer
TV play adapted from humorous novel by Kingsley Amis (1954).
O třech podivných vzducholodích
Set Designer
O Františce, dceři krále anglického, a Honzíčkovi, synu kupce londýnského
Set Designer
Čepice pro kašpárka
Set Designer
Poslední etapa
Set Designer
Jdi za zeleným světlem
Set Designer
Pozvání spravedlivých
Set Designer
Set Designer
Rytíř na houpacím koni
Set Designer
Moudrý Engelbert
Set Designer
Den velkého hněvu
Set Designer
Osudná smyčka
Set Designer
Set Designer
Okénko od pí Olgy Scheinpflugové
Set Designer
Člověk nikdy neví
Set Designer
Set Designer
Obyčejný člověk
Set Designer
Kruté štěstí
Set Designer
Akce Lucy
Set Designer
Útěk do Budína
Set Designer
Set Designer
Ubohá šťastná Kateřina Bezemoreová
Set Designer
Neklidné štěstí
Production Design
Kdo zabil Jean Norwoodovou?
Production Design
Finský nůž
Production Design
První den svobody
Production Design
Čtvrtý obratel
Production Design
Zajatci tmy
Set Designer
Záhadný pan Hyde
Set Designer
Production Design
The Lupinek Case
Production Design
In a wooden hut used as a canvassing center, members of a children's puppet-theatre group are rehearsing for a production about a journey to the Moon. The goings-on inside the hut and outside are being closely followed by amateur detective Pepik Barnabás. He, however, is the first to be under suspicion when a trunk containing puppets goes missing. The children follow him but, when they catch up with him, they discover he hasn't got it. Pepík offers to help them in their search.
The Lupinek Case
In a wooden hut used as a canvassing center, members of a children's puppet-theatre group are rehearsing for a production about a journey to the Moon. The goings-on inside the hut and outside are being closely followed by amateur detective Pepik Barnabás. He, however, is the first to be under suspicion when a trunk containing puppets goes missing. The children follow him but, when they catch up with him, they discover he hasn't got it. Pepík offers to help them in their search.
Prázdniny v oblacích
Production Design
In the beginning, the book of Bohumil Říha was about the aircraft of Kaneti. Both the book and the film that came out of it tell about children's parties spending their holidays near the sports airport. The newly scanned airplane first assigns to aliens, then suspects them of espionage, but in the end it will explain everything. Children will even find the courage to take part in an aviation trip. According to period reviews, the film was a bad thing to teachers, as they said it was inappropriate.
Six O'Clock at the Airport
Production Design
The Goalkeeper Lives On Our Street
Production Design
A boy dreams of winning an ice hockey game. Meanwhile, a professional hockey star moves into the neighborhood, offering his services as a goalkeeper--leading two rival teams of Prague schoolboys, The Little Lions and The Devil Street Boys, to fall over themselves in order to gain his favor. The goalie's son, basking in his father's glory, is asked to replace a member of the Lions team, prompting the usual boyish rivalries and battles. Some of the Lions players are so preoccupied with the impending "big game" that their schoolwork suffers, to the chagrin of their teachers and parents.
The Case Is Not Yet Closed
Vintage Car
Assistant Production Design