Bailey Thain

Bailey Thain


Gifted with a large personality, Bailey channeled her energy into a love of professional acting at the age of 7, landing jobs in National TV ad campaigns, promotional videos, followed by several lead roles in indie feature and short films. She has appeared in television shows and big budget feature films. Her passion for voice acting has landed her radio campaigns, in addition to a lead role in a cartoon pilot project and a major role in the virtual reality experience: Trinity VR. Her latest venture has brought her into the world of mo-cap acting for big box video games. Still in the early years of her career, Bailey has only begun to show her potential as an actress. When not busy with acting, Bailey enjoys aerial circus training, tumbling/trampoline and competitive all star cheer-leading. - IMDb Mini Biography By: J Ferguson


Bailey Thain


Park Girl (uncredited)
Take Me to a Nice Place
After mankind drove itself to the brink of extinction, a zealous lone survivor hunts his way across remote Canadian landscapes in search of knowledge and materials in order to reshape humanity. Ten years later, a woman raises 10 same-age children and prepares them for the sacrifices they must make in order to save the human race.
When a hotel hallway is ravaged by a dreadful airborne virus, pregnant Japanese runaway wife Naomi is tragically thrust into the fight of her life. After getting infected, she is forced to crawl her way through other helpless victims to escape. In the room next door to her is Val, a mother trapped in a toxic marriage, who must also navigate her way out of the hotel corridor through the long and narrow stretch of isolated carnage, desperately looking for her young daughter Kelly. Will these two women avoid the debilitating sickness and get out alive?
Kid #1 (uncredited)
医者のルイス・グリードはボストンからメーン州ルドローに引っ越してきたばかりであった。ルイスは妻のレイチェル、子供のエリーとゲージ、ペットのネコ(チャーチ)と一緒に暮らしていた。ある日、エリーが森の中で遊んでいると、ペットの犬の遺体を墓地(ペット・セマタリー)へと運ぶ葬列に出くわした。一家の近所に住むジャド・クランドールは「あの森は危険だから絶対に近付かないように」と警告してきた。 大学病院。ルイスは交通事故で重傷を負って運ばれてきた学生(ヴィクター・パスコウ)の命を救えなかった無念に打ちひしがれていた。その日の夜、ルイスはいやに鮮明な夢を見た。夢の中で、ルイスはヴィクターに導かれるまま墓地へとやって来たが、墓地に入ろうとした矢先、ヴィクターから「それ以上はいけない」と言われたのだった。ルイスが飛び起きると、彼のベッドと足下が泥まみれになっていた。ルイスは自分が見た夢が単なる悪夢ではないと確信したが、現実で何があったのかまでは把握できなかった。
Montréal Dead End
Petite fille
A fantasy anthology of 15 segments each dealing with a specific neighbourhood of Montreal and its signature idiosyncrasies. This terrifying tour-of-the-town captures neighbourhoods, buildings and iconic locations from North America's Amsterdam, shedding the straightforward storyline for a narrative melting-pot filled with demons, shadowy humanoids and disgusting otherworldly beings.