Joe Sawyer


Joe is a Film and Television Editor originally from the Highlands of Scotland who now is based in London. He is currently working on period drama Becoming Elizabeth for Starz and Lionsgate, directed by Catherine Morshead and written by Anya Reiss. Previously this year Joe completed a BBC Studios comedy pilot Black Ops. Working again with director Catherine Morshead and starring Gbemisola Ikumelo (The last tree) production for the series has been signed for 2022. 2020 had seen Joe working on big-budget fantasy tv show The Wheel of Time with show-runner Rafe Judkins (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) for Amazon Prime, and Pennyworth with Bruno Heller (Gotham) for Warner Brothers Media and Epix. 2020 saw the release of the critically acclaimed Dating Amber an Amazon Original feature film written and directed by David Freyne (The Cured) and starring the supremely talented Fionn O’Shea (Normal People) and Lola Petticrew (A Bump Along the Way). Described as “2020’s best coming of age drama” the film has been very well received thus far. Praised for its razor sharp wit and emotional depth, the central relationship between the duo is “Selfless and courageous, and utterly infectious”. “Dating Amber gives great cathartic scope. Not just to the generation it portrays, but to the new one that—seeing stories like this—might not need to hide.”


1995年、同性愛が違法でなくなってから2年後のアイルランド。同性愛者への差別や偏見が根強く残る田舎町で、自身がゲイであることを受け入れられない高校生・エディと、レズビアンであることを隠しているクラスメイトのアンバー。家族や同級生にセクシュアリティを悟られないように平穏に卒業を迎えるため、2人は“ニセモノの恋人”を演じることに! 性格も趣味も全く違う2人だったが、ぶつかり合いながらも、悩みや夢、秘密を打ち明けるうちに、唯一ありのままの自分をさらけ出せる、かけがえのない存在になっていく。しかし、一緒に訪れた都会・ダブリンで、運命的な出会いによって新たな世界に触れた2人は、“理想的”だったこの関係にも終わりが近づいていることに気づいてしまい…。