Ken Hirai

Ken Hirai

出生 : 1972-01-17, Higashiōsaka, Prefettura di Osaka, Giappone


Since his debut, Hirai has worked as a model, actor, composer, lyricist, singer, and spokesperson. During his career, Hirai has released 45 singles and nine studio albums as of January 2019. According to Oricon, his single Hitomi o Tojite (Close Your Eyes) became the best-selling single of 2004 in Japan, while his compilation album Ken Hirai 10th Anniversary Complete Single Collection '95–'05 "Utabaka" became the best-selling album of 2006 in Japan.


Ken Hirai


Ken Hirai 25th Anniversary Special !! Ken's Bar - ONLINE -
The first ever live streaming of KEN HIRAI Concept Live “Ken's Bar”!
映画ドラえもん のび太の南極カチコチ大冒険
Theme Song Performance
真夏の暑さに耐えかねたのび太たちが向かったのは、巨大な氷山。ひみつ道具「氷細工ごて」で遊園地を作っていたのび太たちは、氷漬けになっている不思議な腕輪を見つける。 調べてみたところ、なんと腕輪が氷に埋まったのは、人が住んでいるはずもない10万年前の南極だった!腕輪の落とし主を探して南極へと向かうドラえもんたち。その前に、なんと氷の下に閉ざされた巨大な都市遺跡が姿を現す。「10万年前に行って、落とし物を届けよう!」 ひみつ道具「タイムベルト」で10万年前に向かうドラえもんたち。 そこで、凍りついてしまった自分たちの星を救うため、宇宙を旅し、腕輪の謎を追う少女カーラとヒャッコイ博士に出会う。そして、腕輪を巡り、ドラえもんたちは、地球が凍結する危機に直面する!
Theme Song Performance
Theme Song Performance
Ken Hirai - Ken's Bar 10th Anniversary Special
Ken Hirai Films Vol.11 "Ken's Bar 10th Anniversary" is the eleventh video release by Hirai Ken. It was released in two formats: A DVD version containing the Ken's Bar 10th Anniversary show held on May 29th, 2008, on the first DVD and the Ken's Bar 10th Anniversary Christmas Eve Special! held on December 24th of the same year, while a Blu-ray version was released containing only the Ken's Bar 10th Anniversary Christmas Eve!!.
Theme Song Performance
Ken Hirai 10th Anniversary Complete Single Collection 95-05 Utabaka