Cindy Humphrey


British TV Journalist
イギリスのホームレスたちのサッカーチームの物語。コーチのマル がチームを引き連れて、年に一度の世界的なサッカー大会" ホームレス・ワールドカップ"に出場するため、ロンドンからローマ へ向かう。土壇場で、チームは天才ストライカーのヴィニーを 連れていくことを決めるが、彼には解決しなければならない問 題があった。優勝と彼自身のために、まずヴィニーは、将来を 有望視されていた過去の自分と向き合う―。
Loves Spell
Treyvon has everything, well almost everything. He's got the fast car, good city job, model looks - even a good sense of humor, and yep - a body to die for. The only thing missing is that one special somebody. Ever since he embarrassed a young woman who asked him for a date, his love life has been cursed. Now, over 15 years later, he is trying to break the spell.
Fortune Cookies
Mrs. Harper
So, you're a talented young actor. It's the eve of your theatrical debut. Would you turn down your big break to help save the family business? And appear with them on their favorite TV game show? Fortune Cookies is the debut feature film from Writer/Director Brenda Lee. Shot in Northampton, UK, by Screen Northants.