Elizabeth Shumway


Binge ∞ Purge
After losing her job, Valerie (Valynn Turkovich) relapses into bulimia. It takes the new found friendship of an oddball woman named Jacey (Kate Huges) to help her find the way back to recovery.
Macie on a Good Day
Macie (Jen Santos) is a twenty-three year old woman with IDD (Individual with Developmental Disability) stuck in the middle of a feud between her sisters Abby (Maria Sole), a recovering alcoholic trying to become a more active member in Macie's life and her primary caregiver Megan (Elizabeth Archibeque).
Finger Laced Crown
Spray paint artist Lemon Drop (Torez Mosley) must navigate her passions to succeed in the new landscape of fine art.