Soledad Abot Glenz


The Paranoids
Assistant Camera
Luciano works in birthday parties and writes his first feature when friend Manuel returns from Spain to repeat his TV show, "The Paranoids", together with his girl Sofia. Manuel is everything he is not and his trying to be helpful in his career and with women, only worsens the conflict. When Manuel leaves Sofia with Luciano for two days, she is seduced by the qualities Manuel rejects in his friend as weaknesses. Sofia changes. Luciano also, but only at the last moment he can overcome the fears he has been cultivating his whole life.
Extraordinary Stories
Additional Director of Photography
X arrives in a small town and witnesses a violent act; Z takes the job of a dead manager and discovers that he had a notebook written in code and a map; H is hired to go down a river and investigate a series of mysterious monoliths built on the shore.