Hikmet Çelik

Hikmet Çelik


Hikmet Çelik


The Frogs
In the half-light of dawn, Halil falls down dead, murdered. His wife, Elmas, cries for justice, but, in fact, there will be no investigation. Life goes on for Elmas: during the day she works in the rice paddies with her little boy and, at night, she goes to catch frogs with the other villagers.
The Mirror
Küçük Ağa
Der Spiegel reflects the sad existence of a village couple, Necmetting and Zelihan, whose lives are regulated by nature and the all-powerful feudal lord. When the lord's good-looking brother tries to seduce beautiful Zelihan, her husband has no choice but take up arms to restore his lost honor. But the question of whether anything can be more important than human life haunts him. Der Spiegel is a psychological drama that focuses on a menage-a-trois and at the same time holds a mirror to the generally ignored lives of the poor peasants, examning their loves, passions and dreams, particularly those of the women. Despite the theatricality of the dream sequences and the scene with the slaughter of a cow, the story generally flows easily in a minimalist style, with impressive photography by Kenan Ormanlar.
When five Kurdish prisoners are granted one week's home leave, they find to their dismay that they face continued oppression outside of prison from their families, the culture, and the government.
The fight of the striking railroad workers.