Robina Riccitiello


Executive Producer
When her boyfriend goes back to Ukraine to be with his ailing father, 23-year-old Dakota anxiously navigates her precarious new reality, surviving on her own in New York City.
Black Box Diaries
Executive Producer
Journalist Shiori Ito embarks on a courageous investigation of her own sexual assault in an improbable attempt to prosecute her high-profile offender. Her quest becomes a landmark case in Japan, exposing the country’s outdated judicial and societal systems.
Porcelain War
Executive Producer
Under roaring fighter jets and missile strikes, Ukrainian artists Slava, Anya, and Andrey choose to stay behind and fight, contending with the soldiers they have become. Defiantly finding beauty amid destruction, they show that although it’s easy to make people afraid, it’s hard to destroy their passion for living.
Executive Producer
An investigation into abuse and missing children at an Indian residential school ignites a reckoning on the nearby Sugarcane Reserve.
A Still Small Voice
Executive Producer
An aspiring hospital chaplain begins a yearlong residency in spiritual care, only to discover that to successfully tend to her patients, she must look deep within herself.
Boca Chica
Executive Producer
Twelve-year-old Desi is in pursuit of becoming a famous singer. As Desi braces to leave her hometown, she's met with deep-seated secrets that have long tormented her family and their coastal Dominican community.
Late Bloomers
Executive Producer
An aimless millennial drunkenly breaks her hip, lands her in physical therapy. There, she makes an elderly Polish BFF who speaks no English.
Frybread Face and Me
Two adolescent Navajo cousins from different worlds bond during a summer herding sheep on their grandmother's ranch in Arizona while learning more about their family's past and themselves.
Soft & Quiet
Executive Producer
Taking place in real time, elementary school teacher Emily organizes a mixer of like-minded women, but an altercation between a woman from Emily’s past and the group leads to a volatile chain of events.
Two childhood sweethearts, now both widowed, share a night by a lake in the mountains.
Co-Executive Producer
 サンフランシスコにある世界有数のLGBTQ+ コミュニティの拠点、カストロ・ストリート。 ある夜、ドラァグクイーンのショーを披露するゲイバー、パンドラ・ボックスでショーが行われる中、バーのオーナーでドラァグクイーンのリッキーは薬物の過剰摂取で倒れ、息を引き取る。 保守的なテキサスの田舎町でその報せを受けた彼の母メイベリンは、疎遠だった息子の死にショックを受け、夫の反対を押し切りサンフランシスコでの葬儀に参加。ところが、葬儀は華やかなミュージカル調で、敬虔なクリスチャンで教会の聖歌隊の一員でもある彼女には耐え難いものだった。 翌日、彼女はリッキーのパートナーでバーの共同経営者のネイサンを訪ねたものの、門前払いに。失意の彼女の前に、リッキーの親友のシングルマザー・シエナが現れ、彼女の計らいでネイサンとの間をとりもってもらう。すると、リッキーが遺言を遺さずに他界したため、バーの経営権は母親のメイベリンが相続することになっていたこと、そしてバーが破綻寸前の危機にあることが分かる。 彼女は困惑しながらも、シエナの家に居候しながら、息子の遺したゲイバーの経営を始めることに 。
The Infiltrators
Co-Executive Producer
A rag-tag group of undocumented youth – Dreamers – deliberately get detained by Border Patrol in order to infiltrate a shadowy, for-profit detention center.