Tracy Campbell


Trevor Matthews Jr.
Trevor is an intelligent young man with a bright future. However, he also suffers from bipolar disorder, and is very much in denial about the nature of his illness. After a particularly violent episode of mania, his mother sends him to an old family friend, Dr. Robert Weldon, for treatment. Dr. Weldon takes Trevor in, inviting him to stay in his home with his wife Cynthia and young son Alton while he undergoes therapy. As Trevor contends with his own brain, he’ll discover a nearly twenty-year-old secret that may determine whether he conquers his illness, or if his illness conquers him.
Come Home
Ty, a young man who feels he has committed an unforgivable act, is on the run and not sure where to turn for help. His deed did not go unnoticed however, and he is being pursued.
Desk Girl
マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロードのトム・ハーディ主演によるアクションドラマ。名選手として知られた父をトレーナーにし、格闘大会に挑むトミー。彼は、家族を守るために格闘家として復帰した生き別れの兄・ブレンダンとリングで再会する。