Lorenzo Mongiardino


ブラザー・サン シスター・ムーン
Production Design
In his delirium from his return from war, Francesco Bernardone goes back in his memories to the days when he lived for parties and carnal pleasures. He slowly recovers, but after the illness he is no longer the Francesco that everybody knew. Instead of spending hours in taverns, he meditates on the beauty of God's creatures, soon renouncing his riches and his family with plans to rebuild an abandoned church and his life.
Production Design
美しいキャプレット家の世継ぎジュリエットは、舞踏会でロミオに出会い夢中になる。だが、ロミオはキャプレット家の宿敵、モンタギュー家の息子だった。 二人は密かに永遠の 愛を誓い結婚式を挙げるが、ロミオは逃亡生活を、ジュリエットは両親にパリスとの結婚を強いられる。ロミオと一緒に暮らすため、危険を承知でジュリエットは神父の計画に命を懸けた……。
Production Design