Unit Production Manager
Production Manager
貧しい家庭出身だが野心的なパトリツィア・レッジャーニ(レディー・ガガ)は、 イタリアで最も裕福で格式高いグッチ家の後継者の一人であるマウリツィオ・グッチ (アダム・ドライバー)をその知性と美貌で魅了し、やがて結婚する。 しかし、次第に彼女は一族の権力争いまで操り、 強大なファッションブランドを支配しようとする。 順風満帆だったふたりの結婚生活に陰りが見え始めた時、 パトリツィアは破滅的な結果を招く危険な道を歩み始める…。
Unit Production Manager
In seaside Italy, a Holocaust survivor with a daycare business takes in a 12-year-old street kid who recently robbed her.
Line Producer
After a serious accident Giuseppe is out of work. His son Antò dreams of being an archaeologist and thinks his father's glass eye is a sign he has superpowers. It's just the two of them now, since their beloved wife and mother Angela collapsed and died while working in the fields. Now they've lost their home, too, and have taken shelter in a tent city with other seasonal workers. Through all this, Giuseppe still summons up the strength to hug his son every night and tell him a story. He's promised Antò he will have his mother back, one day, and will do anything to keep his promise.
Production Manager
Checco is 39 and lived his entire life with his parents. He loves his job where he does nothing the whole day, until something happens that will change his behavior and his life forever...
Unit Production Manager
Unit Manager