Emilio Echevarría

Emilio Echevarría

出生 : 1944-01-01, Città del Messico, Messico


Emilio Echevarría


The Chosen
Spain, 1937. Ramón Mercader, a young communist combatant, is recruited and trained by the Soviet intelligence service to participate in a top secret mission ordered by the ruthless dictator Joseph Stalin: the assassination of his former political rival, Leon Trotsky, who is living in exile in Mexico.
A Monster with a Thousand Heads
When Sonia receives the news that her husband’s cancer has progressed to a critical stage, she races to secure the insurance company’s approval for the care that can help him.
Words with Gods
Father (ep. "God's Blood - La sangre de Dios")
The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the world's most exciting directors, Words with Gods follows the theme of religion - specifically as it relates to an individual's relationship with his/her god or gods...or the lack thereof. In Words with Gods, each director recounts a narrative centered around human fragility, as well as environmental and cultural crises involving specific religions with which each has a personal relationship; including early Aboriginal Spirituality, Umbanda, Buddhism, the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, and Atheism. An animated sequence by Mexican animator Maribel Martinez is woven through each of the film segments, with each segment narratively connected as a feature-length film.
El mar muerto
There is a blackout in Mexico City. In the darkness some people are abandoned by God (their conscience) and commit a transgression (murder and infidelity). When the lights come on, conscious of what they have done, they must atone for their sin.
Filosofía natural del amor
Insects mate, stories are born. The concept of “love” gets put under the looking glass in this captivatingly maverick film. Manuel, a lonely 36-year-old, begins an unusual friendship with the much younger Alma. A young foreign couple set out on an idyllic backpacking trip in Costa Rica. A Mexico City taxi driver visits a dive bar where he meets a sexy lounge singer. Vicente runs into an old classmate from high school and has something profound to share with her. Meanwhile, throughout the film, different couples speak about their relationships and thoughts
The Dream of Lu
Lucia must find new meaning in her life in order to move forward after a suicide attempt.Dealing with her grief over the death of her son,she establishes new ties and notices small miracles.An encounter and unexpected journey open up the space for her to understand that she can continue to live and to discover that eternity resides in a single instant.
Don Fernando
It's 1994 in Mexico, the nation was witnessing a turbulent year since its beginnings. An indigenous rebellion shakes the country. Three months later, the ruling party's presidential candidate is brutally murdered during a rally in Tijuana. The country is concerned. Nobody knows who's behind this event, it all points to a conspiracy. Andrés Vázquez, an intelligence expert, is commissioned to lead a secret investigation parallel to the official government issued one. But another expert agent, el Seco, has received orders to wipe out all witnesses and get rid of the evidence surrounding the candidate's murder. As Andrés begins putting the pieces of this intricate puzzle together and comes closer to the truth, he realizes he's also putting his life and that of his loved ones in peril.
Memories of My Melancholy Whores
El Sabio
To celebrate his 90th birthday, an old single journalist, Sabio, decides to gift himself with an intense night of love with a virgin teenager. Rosa Cabarcas, his old friend as a brothel madam arranges him the ideal young woman, Delgadina, a factory worker, who sells her virginity to support her family, but when he sees her sleeping angelically, he loses interest in pure pleasure and falls in love with her. That love was not meant to be true, but fate changes, and that hope is born of an opportunity for unbridled love.
Sin Memoria
Beto wakes up in his apartment not knowing where or who he is. He does not remember anything from his past. On the floor is a passport in the name of Marcelo Peralta. Trying to regain memory and their own lives, reveals a number of elements that will be intertwined with each other in unexpected course of events, such as theft, fraud and passionate love.
Malos hábitos
Ramón - padre de Matilde
Matilde is a nun convinced that faith moves mountains. She secretly begins a mystic fasting to end what she considers to be the second great flood. Elena is a thin and fashion-conscious woman ashamed of her daughter's chubbiness. She's willing to do the impossible to make her daughter Linda thin so Linda will look like a little princess on the day she receives her first communion. At the same time Elena's husband Gustavo - a professor of architecture - cannot cope with his wife's bones poking him during intimate moments so he turns his attention to a buxom female student with a hearty appetite.
The Night Buffalo
Unable to cope with the fact that his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend, a 22-year-old schizophrenic sets an elaborate revenge plan into motion before taking his own life.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
1836年の春、エルアラモの古い使命であったサンアントニオデベハルの近くで、約200人のテキサス人がメキシコ大統領で陸軍指揮官のアントニオロペスデサンタアンナ将軍の包囲に13日間抵抗しました。 テキサンズの指揮官は、若くて無謀なウィリアム・トラヴィス大佐、暴力的で情熱的なジェームズ・ボウイ、伝説のデビッド・クロケットだった。 戦闘で死ななかった人々は、サンタアンナの命令によって処刑されました。 「アラモを覚えて」はサム・ヒューストン将軍の戦いの叫び声になり、ついにテキサスをメキシコから独立させ、連合のもう一つの州になった。
ボンドは北朝鮮側の非武装地帯にある基地で、アフリカから不正輸出されたダイヤモンドと引き換えに武器の密輸を行なっていたムーン大佐抹殺の任務を遂行した直後、彼の父であるムーン将軍に捕らわれ、長きに渡る監禁・拷問を受ける。 14ヶ月後、中華人民共和国の諜報員3名を殺害したのち、逮捕されたムーン大佐の側近のザオとの捕虜交換が行われ、ようやくMのもとに戻れたボンドは思いがけない言葉を耳にする。それは00(ダブルオー)ナンバーの剥奪だった。1週間前に北朝鮮内部に潜り込んでいたアメリカの工作員が処刑され、ボンドが居た収容所から情報が発信された事から、北朝鮮での拷問でボンドが機密事項を洩らしたのが原因だと疑うアメリカはこれ以上の情報漏れを恐れザオとの交換でボンドを連れ戻したのだという。ボンドを疑うMは、ボンドの00ナンバー剥奪という決断に至ったのだ。 この結果に納得のいかないボンドは、自らのプライドと00ナンバーを取り戻すべく単身でMたちのもとから脱出。香港を拠点に活動する中国の諜報員ミスター・チャンの協力のもと、ザオがキューバに潜伏中との情報をつかみ、キューバに飛ぶ。そこでアメリカ国家安全保障局(NSA)の諜報員ジンクスと遭遇する。
From Mesmer, with Love or Tea for Two
Dr. Henares
Alberto resorts to disturbing and extravagant practices to break through the shell of his loneliness and fulfill his desires.
Vivir mata
A romantic comedy of our times about passion, friendship and lies, on one of those days when the city and its inhabitants go crazy and anything seems possible. Diego and Silvia meet each other and fall in love thanks to their masterly lies. The morning after, with their respective friends, they remember the encounter and slowly begin to realize how sincere and honest that relationship was. When the opportunity arises, both struggle to meet again on a day in which a sudden and unusual disorder reigns in Mexico City.
Miguel Iturbide
El Chivo
A fatalistic car crash in Mexico city sets off a chain of events in the lives of three people: a supermodel, a young man wanting to run off with his sister-in-law, and a homeless man. Their lives are catapulted into unforeseen situations instigated by the seemingly inconsequential destiny of a dog.
Sucesos distantes
Victor Fet
One couple (Carlos & Irene) are having troubles, because he suspects that Irene's hiding something about her past in Russia. To make things worst her ex-husband goes to Mexico and tells Carlos that her other ex-husband also is going to claim her as his property.
Capitán Borsac
Old Max remembers the time as a child when he was taken to the jungle where he met a prophet, a circus man and other weird characters.
Like a Bride
Two Mexican Jewish girls of come of age in Mexico City during the 1960s
Los pasos de Ana
A divorced mother decides to do in life what she always wanted: To become a movie director. So she sets out to film every single thing that occurs in her everyday life
Dying in the Gulf
The story of the oil leader Lázaro Pizarro, of his political and personal wars, the use of crime to settle conflicts and the course of his power between the basements and the domes of Mexican politics, have a narrative record made in the Gulf of accuracy and dexterity
Bathroom Intimacy
A family crisis revealed through each member's bathroom intimacy.
A Mexican romance by Dana Rotberg.