Quentin Ogier

Quentin Ogier


Quentin Ogier


歴史的なスキャンダルを映画化!衝撃の実話ミステリー。 リドリー・スコット監督がジョディ・カマー、マット・デイモン、アダム・ドライバー、ベン・アフレックという豪華キャストを迎え、実話を元に、歴史を変えた世紀のスキャンダル​を描くエピック・ミステリー。​《STORY》 中世フランス──騎士の妻マルグリットが、夫の旧友に乱暴されたと訴えるが、彼は無実を主張し、目撃者もいない。​真実の行方は、夫と被告による生死を賭けた“決闘裁判”に委ねられる。それは、神による絶対的な裁き── 勝者は正義と栄光を手に入れ、敗者はたとえ決闘で命拾いしても罪人として死罪になる。そして、もしも夫が負ければ、マルグリットまでもが偽証の罪で火あぶりの刑を受けるのだ。 果たして、裁かれるべきは誰なのか?あなたが、 この裁判の証人となる。
Patrick Henry
Le marié
A bourgeois office drone whose raison d’état is the music of French rocker Johnny Hallyday awakens one day in an alternate universe where the famed musician never recorded a single song. When he’s not at the office dutifully plugging-away, Fabrice lives a deadly dull life.
Une vie en l'air
Far away, in space, on a planet named Titan, few space workers are thinking about the earth.
Tontaine et tonton
Two middle-aged friends meet a beautiful woman whom they set out to seduce. She invites them but only has eyes for one man: François Mitterrand.
The Biochemistry of Love at First Sight
A scientific trip that is both rigorous and licentious! This disturbing exploration of our "states" shows by example what our emotions owe to the chemistry of the body ... Where have scientific studies of sexuality gotten to? We already knew that seduction is a game that defies all verbal representation. In this area, it is the body that expresses itself above all. However, it is difficult to admit that hormonal secretions play a role in the phenomenon of love at first sight! Psychiatrists, ethologists and biochemists analyze here the intricate relations of amorous feelings and chemical changes in the body. Two hundred and fifty substances come into play at different stages of the process! A clear teaching approach, illustrated, without false modesty, by a couple. From waiting to meet, from desire to weariness.
ジャンヌ・ダルク 薔薇の十字架
ジャンヌ・ダルク 愛と自由の天使
「彼女たちの舞台」などで知られるヌーヴェル・バーグのJ・リヴェットが、15世紀フランスに実在した非運の英雄、ジャンヌ・ダルクの波乱に満ちた生涯を、前編の本作と、後半の「ジャンヌ/薔薇の十字架」の全編約四時間に及ぶスケールで描いた超大作。本編では神の啓示により、自らが王国を救う使命を帯びた存在であることを知った彼女が、王太子シャルルの信頼の下、オルレアンを解放するまでを描く。  尚、本編はオリジナルより約一時間短い二時間の短縮バージョンである。真の完全版は「ジャンヌ・ダルク/I戦闘 II牢獄」としてこの後に公開されている。
The Children's Rebellion
Le Mondain
In the 19th century, children -- particularly the children of the poor -- were considered to be an exploitable resource of docile and cheap labor. Anyone who had the effrontery to steal so much as a portion of a loaf of bread for any reason would (at the very least) go to prison, regardless of their age. However, people of conscience were beginning to protest against this situation. The story takes place in a prison for children where conditions are particularly harsh. The warden is a thick-headed martinet who demands complete compliance with the rules, or the children will be brutally dealt with. The assistant warden is a more modern man, and is appalled by the whole institution, but seeks to begin by reforming it. To that end, he has invited a journalist to come and see the conditions that prevail there, in the hopes that she will rouse public opinion against at least this one form of injustice.
Baker's Boy