Tien-chueh Lee


Production Designer
台湾南部のろう学校で実際に起きた、性的暴行・セクシャルハラスメント事件を題材に『無聲』を撮ったのは、本作が長編初監督作となるコー・チェンニエン。 事件について綿密な調査を行い、事実を一人でも多くの観客に伝えるため、映画化に踏み切った。 世間から多くの批判を受けかねない、深刻な社会問題を描くことに挑戦する監督を支えたのは、ユー・ベイファ、チュウ・ヨウニンの敏腕プロデューサー2人。 本国では、教育者や政治家をはじめ、多くの観客が事件の深刻さを問題視し、台北の週間興行収入1位を獲得。勢いはとどまることなく、台湾の金馬奨では、8部門ノミネート。チェン・イェンフェイの最優秀新人俳優賞など2部門を受賞した。 2021年度の台北映画祭では、最多7部門8ノミネートを記録。チェン・イェンフェイの最優秀新人俳優賞など3部門の他、観客賞を受賞した。
The Painting of Evil
Production Design
Specialized in abstract art, Hsu Pao-Ching is a middle-aged painter who struggles in his career. By chance, he begins giving at art lessons in a prison, where he discovers that Chou Chang-Ting, one of the inmates, has great talent for painting. He holds am exhibition of Chou’s works, however as Chou committed random attacks and killed several people, a protest is staged against it. In the end, Hsu gets hurt and the exhibition is withdrawn. Hsu cannot understand why the public cannot appreciate art without prejudice and decides to approach the victims’ family. Moreover, Hsu goes to Chou’s old family home in search of the inspiration for Chou’s paintings.
Pinoy Sunday
Art Direction
The discovery of a discarded sofa, in Taipei city, transforms a routine Sunday into a capricious adventure of perseverance and self-discovery for Filipino guest workers Manuel and Dado.
I Don't Want to Sleep Alone
Production Design
Rawang, an immigrant from Bangladesh living in awful conditions, takes pity on a Chinese man, Hsiao-kang, who is beaten up and left in the street. Rawang lovingly nurses him on a mattress he found. When he is almost healed, Hsiao-kang meets the waitress Chyi. His love for Rawang is put to the test.
Fishing Luck
Art Direction
Lanyu - Orchid Island, is a small tropical island where its aboriginals take preys on the flying fish, a symbol of bliss and abundance, to make their living. Three young men Behong, Jeddah and Qingkuang known on the island as the "Three Musketeers" for their life long friendship and strong bond are enjoying their little piece of tranquility.One summer day, a beautiful young woman named Zing arrives in this small island from Taipei. She is on a business trip to survey remote regions for cellular coverage and will inadvertently change the Three Musketeers lives and hers as well…
Art Direction