Oksana Karpus


A story about the nativity of «rushnyk», a ritual cloth embroidered with symbols and cryptograms of the ancient world.
The Tale of Khvesko Gandzha Andyber and the Silver Spirits
Art Direction
A tale about a Cossack named Khvesko, who came across a hut, where rich people were nicely treated and full-fed. He was taken for a poor traveler and was offered only a glass of water. In fact, Khvesko was a real Cossack hetman, who protected the poor from rich and powerful men.
The Prize
Art Direction
Animation based on the fairy tale of the English writer Donald Bisset about the horse Reggie and the dog Blacky, who dreamed of running fast.
Autumn Waltz
Art Direction
A cheerful bear, who tries to see the positive aspects in all that happens, wants to persuade a little frog that it should smile more often. The bear accidentally falls and can not get home on his own, so the frog stays with him and takes care of the sick. Now they switch roles and the frog encourages him.