Jo Eun-joo

Jo Eun-joo


Jo Eun-joo


Wonderful Woman
Eun-ji's mom
Kyeong-sook who lives a hard life working as a therapist at an adult massage parlor, is suffering from thyroid cancer at her menopausal stage. Upon learning about her daughter's marriage that she missed, Kyeong-sook goes to Taebaek, Gangwon-do to find her husband, Yoo Byeong-ho who ruined her life and her family because of gambling. Amid the rough blizzard, her husband could not be found anywhere... Suddenly, an outpour of sorrow and rage made her heart and head spin.
Family Affair
Gyoo-rim's father's girlfriend
One day, three siblings receive a postcard from their mother who left them a long time ago. But all it says is "I miss you." Three siblings are disconcerted by the sudden contact, but eventually, they go on a trip to meet their mother.
Jesters: The Game Changers
Wongaksa Temple wife
A gang of clowns is hired by an unpopular king to serve as propagandists who fabricate positive rumors and stage miracles to improve his personal image.
「王の涙 イ・サンの決断」「コンフィデンシャル 共助」のヒョンビンが韓国で実際に起こったマルチ商法詐欺事件をモデルにした詐欺師を演じるクライムドラマ。ある日、韓国中を驚がくさせた詐欺師チャン・ドゥチル死亡のニュースが発表となった。しかし、ドゥチルはまだ生きていると確信している、詐欺師だけをだます詐欺師のジソンは、事件の担当検事パク・ヒスにドゥチルを捜し出し、逮捕することを提案する。パク検事はプロの詐欺師チームと合流し、姿を消したドゥチルの補佐役クァク・スンゴンに接近するため作戦を立て始める。しかし、ジソンと詐欺師たちは、パク検事が別の目的のため秘密裏に異なる作戦を計画していることに気づいてしまう。ヒョンビンが知能型詐欺師ジソン役を演じるほか、「オールド・ボーイ」のユ・ジテ、「ベテラン」のペ・ソンウ、「新しき世界」のパク・ソンウンら韓国の実力派俳優が顔をそろえる。
Snow Paths
Sister Susanna
Jeong-Woo is sent to a sanitarium deep in the mountains to overcome his alcoholism. There he meets a young nun named Maria who has a special ability to see inside people. In this isolated sanitarium Maria is the only person who seems to care for him and soon he feels drawn to her. While struggling with his withdrawal symptoms, Jeong-woo has a vision where his reality is different from what he believes. The further he escapes from his alcoholism, the closer he gets to confronting the past that he has denied for years.
Ms. Kim
A policeman discovers a love affair between his teenage daughter and her teacher which leads him back to an unsolved murder case he investigated 10 years ago.
Announcer Woman
10人もの女性が殺害された連谷(ヨンゴク)殺人事件。刑事のチェ・ヒョングは、殺人犯をギリギリまで追い詰めるも、顔を深く切り付けられて犯人を取り逃がしてしまう。17年の後、イ・ドゥソクという男が自分が事件の犯人だと名乗りを上げた。 時効が成立して法に裁かれることはなくなったドゥソクは、事件の全容を克明に記した本「私が殺人犯だ」を出版する。衝撃的な内容と、その美しいルックスが相まって告白本は瞬く間に300万部のベストセラーになり、彼は一躍スターとなった。 ヒョングはドゥソクに怒りを募らせる一方、彼が告白本には書かれていない未解決の失踪事件の真犯人ではないかと確信する。 ドゥソクは因縁の相手ヒョングへの卑劣な挑発によってメディアの注目を集めようと企む。そして事件の被害者遺族がドゥソクの殺害を画策する事件までもが発生。メディアの報道はますます過熱する。 そんな中、連谷事件の凶器を証拠品として真犯人を名乗るJという人物が現れる。
Super Monkey Returns
The age-old heroes of Journey to the West get resurrected in modern Korea in the zany fantasy comedy Super Monkey Returns! In present-day Seoul, evil demons from ancient times are accidentally unleashed into the world. The only way to stop them is to call upon the very men who defeated them thousand of years ago. By extracting DNA from relics, scientists manage to bring back Monkey King, Tripataka, Pigsy, and Sandy - but they're going to need some major training to get back into superhero fighting mode!