In this Merrie Melodies animated short, an organ grinder and his monkey make their way down a city street.
A mannequin in the city dump improvises a piano from the junk to play and sing the title song The various animals and pieces of junk all join in.
An expectant father rooster fetches doctor stork, who comes out with a basket full of white chicks and one little black one, who gets crowded out of the food. After singing the title song, he manages to improvise a pair of wings and fly over the chicken coop, but regrets it when he is chased by a mean scarecrow.
Two courting hillbilly dogs go to the big barn dance.
At a nightclub, the crowd demands Goopy Geer, and the lanky dog doesn't disappoint them. He gives a zany performance on the piano, but the employees and the customers are just as wacky. A gorilla waiter dances while serving. Three identical cats display a peculiar way of eating. A chicken has a nauseating way of making chicken soup. The nightclub singer tells corny jokes. Even the hat racks come to life and dance. A horse imbibing a too-strong drink provides the show-stopper.