Burschi Wojnar


Second Unit Director of Photography
時は大飢饉から13年後の1862年。ナイチンゲールの教育を受けたイギリス人看護師のリブ・ライト (フローレンス・ピュー) が、アイルランドはミッドランズ地方の敬虔なコミュニティに呼ばれ、15日間かけて同胞の一人を観察するよう依頼されます。その人物とは、4ヵ月もの間食べていないにもかかわらず、天の恵みにより奇跡的に生かされているという11歳の少女、アナ・オドネル (キーラ・ロード・キャシディ)。アナの健康状態が急激に悪化するなか、リブは真実を暴こうと決意しますが、信じることをやめようとしない村人たちの厚い信仰が立ちはだかります。
Redemption of a Rogue
Jimmy carries a leather, black doctor’s bag around with him containing the rope he plans to hang himself with. He returns home to the fictional town of Ballylough to the cold austere beauty of West Cavan to seek salvation for sins committed in the past before saying goodbye.
Director of Photography
The friendship of two young boys is put to the test as they set out to build a radio to communicate with something other worldly.
Kathleen Was Here
Director of Photography
Kathleen is 18 and alone. The system has no place for her now. What does the future hold when the past is all you've got? This visually arresting and emotionally-taut tale depicts the ongoing problems surrounding young adults who age out of care and their struggle to 'fit in'.
シー・フィーバー 深海の怪物
Second Unit Director of Photography
The crew of a West of Ireland trawler—marooned at sea—struggle for their lives against a growing parasite in their water supply.
Ghost Light
An actor prepares for the opening night of Hamlet, watched on by a ghost in the wings.