David Rintoul

David Rintoul

出生 : 1948-11-29,


David Rintoul


Edward Hayes
Grogon (voice)
The Jungle Beat animals think it’s the best thing ever when an alien arrives in the jungle bringing with him the power of speech. They also surprisingly think it’s the best thing ever when they find out that he’s been sent to conquer them.
Easter in Art
Mark (voice)
The story of Christ’s death and resurrection has dominated western culture for the past 2000 years. It is perhaps the most significant historical event of all time, as recounted by the gospels but, equally, as depicted by the greatest artists in history. From the triumphant to the savage, the ethereal to the tactile, some of western civilization’s greatest artworks focus on this pivotal moment. This beautifully crafted film explores the Easter story as depicted in art, from the time of the early Christians to the present day. Shot on location in Jerusalem, United States and throughout Europe, the film explores the different ways artists have depicted the Easter story through the ages and thus depicts the history of us all.
Ghost/Player King
Hamlet captures the Almeida Theatre's 2017 acclaimed production of William Shakespeare's great play, recorded as-live in its West End transfer on the stage of London's Harold Pinter Theatre. Robert Icke's innovative modern-dress production, featuring Andrew Scott, Juliet Stevenson, Angus Wright and Jessica Brown Findlay, has been widely acclaimed as a dazzlingly intelligent, forcefully contemporary staging. The Evening Standard hailed Andrew Scott's 'career-defining performance... he makes the most famous speeches feel fresh and unpredictable.'
General Wagner
ヒトラー、ヒムラーに次ぐ、“ナチス第三の男”ラインハルト・ハイドリヒ。その冷徹極まりない手腕から、ナチス党内でもとりわけ忌まわしい人物として“金髪の野獣”と渾名され、ヒトラーさえもが恐れた男。ハイドリヒはナチス政権の高官として華々しい出世を遂げるが、第二次世界大戦に至るまでの年月とその戦時下において、ヨーロッパの人々に残忍で容赦ない恐怖をもたらした。貴族階級の妻リナによってナチスのイデオロギーを吹き込まれたハイドリヒは、<ユダヤ人大量虐殺>の首謀者として、誰も止めることのできない絶大な権力を手にしていく。だが、英国政府から訓練を受け、チェコスロバキア亡命政府によって送り込まれたチェコのレジスタンスグループが、この抑止不能な男を止めようとしていた。大胆にもパラシュートで潜入したヤン・クビシュとヨゼフ・ガブチーク率いる暗殺部隊が、綿密な計画の過程を経て、プラハの街を移動するハイドリヒの一行を襲撃し、致命傷を負わせる。これにより、ハイドリヒは第二次世界大戦中に殺害された唯一のナチス最高幹部となった。ナチス政権に揺さぶりをかけた歴史的瞬間は、それぞれの信念を貫いた、両極に位置する人々によって生み出された。史上唯一成功した、ナチス高官の暗殺計画の真実が今、明かされる――<フランス・イギリス・ベルギーの伝記映画。 第二次世界大戦中、その冷徹極まりない手腕から「金髪の野獣」と呼ばれナチス親衛隊No.2となったラインハルト・ハイドリヒを描いた映画>
Canuck Black
Canuck Black (voice)
In a shadowy interrogation room, a homicide file lies open in front of two frustrated cops. Behind a one way mirror sits their main suspect, a hulking black bear named Canuck Black.
Crystal Skulls
A millionaire philanthropist collects the famous Crystal Skulls trying to tap into their ancient powers. It is up to a team lead by a college professor whose father disappeared searching for the 13th skull to save the world when the first 12 skulls are united and reek havoc on the earth without the control of the 13th skull.
アイアンクラッド ブラッド・ウォー
Gilbert De Vesci
A survivor of the Great Siege of Rochester Castle fights to save his clan from from Celtic raiders. A sequel to the 2011 film, "Ironclad."
マーガレット・サッチャー 鉄の女の涙
Admiral Fieldhouse
マリリン 7日間の恋
Dr. Connell
Is Anybody There?
Harry Price
A young boy who lives in an old folks' home strikes up a friendship with a retired magician.
A woman in an unhappy relationship takes refuge with a friend's family on holiday in Tuscany.
Biography Channel - Albert Einstein
Hornblower: Retribution
Dr. Clive
Hornblower and the other officers of the Renown must return to Jamaica to face a court-martial and possible execution for their actions in relieving their unstable captain.
Hornblower: Mutiny
Doctor Clive
Hornblower and his comrades come under the command of a revered but mentally unstable captain and are forced to mutiny in order to save their ship, the HMS Renown.
Dialogue in the Dark
James Boswell
A summer evening in Edinburgh, 1776. The ailing philosopher David Hume has an unexpected visitor.
The Dunroamin' Rising
Rev. Douglas Wyllie
Sixty years ago Ian Sinclair was a revolutionary leader. Today he is in an old folks' home, but has not lost his sense of humour, or his appetite for the struggle. In protest at the proposed closure of the home, the old socialist firebrand embarks upon a hunger strike that ends up having wide-range repercussions.
The Cherry Orchard
Madame Ranevsky and her daughter Anya return home from Paris to find that their beloved family estate and cherry orchard are to be auctioned off to pay debts. Lopahin, a former serf on the estate who is now a walthy landowner, proposes razing the home and cherrt orchard and dividing the estate into plats that could be leased at great profit. The family, however, continues to hold out hope that their beloved home can somehow be saved from destruction.
Henry VIII
Lord Abergavenny
Henry is a proud monarch who flies in the face of the church in seeking to divorce Queen Katherine and marry Anne Bullen. As cardinal Wolsey, the powerful Lord Chancellor of England, attempts to bend Rome to the King's wishes, the court reverbates with political intrigue and accusations of treachery.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
TV-movie version of the Victor Hugo novel.
Legend of the Werewolf
A travelling circus in 19th century France adopts and showcases a feral "wolf boy", who grows into adulthood only to kill the one-man band. He runs off to Paris, where he develops a jealous, overprotective crush on a prostitute, leading him to attack her client, incurring a pursuit by a determined police surgeon.