Sarah Kelley

Sarah Kelley


Sarah Kelley


Christmas Bedtime Stories
SGT. Lena
When Danielle’s husband goes missing in action during his deployment, she is left to raise her daughter on her own. Three years later, as she acclimates to life without him, she begins to tell her daughter bedtime stories of her father.
暴力を働いて刑務所に送られていた、ルース・スレイター (サンドラ・ブロック)。刑期を終えて出所した彼女だったが、犯罪を犯した者を決して許そうとはしない社会の冷たさを感じる。故郷に戻るものの、そこでも人々からの厳しい批判や叱責を受けたルースは、犯してきた罪を償う意味も込めて、やむを得ぬ理由で置き去りにして離れ離れになったままの妹を見つけ出そうとする。
Brother, I Cry
Jon, a young First Nations man, is struggling to overcome addiction and to avoid the multiple warrants out on him. But he has several strong women in his corner: his girlfriend, his sister, his mother, and his unborn daughter, they are all hoping he can master his demons and find peace.