Jessica Dean Rose


Danger in the Spotlight
Second Assistant Director
When Martha's involved in a drunk driving accident, she becomes caretaker to the ballerina injured in the crash. But what if the accident wasn't an accident at all?
アースフォール JIU JITSU
Second Assistant Director
Every six years, an ancient order of jiu-jitsu fighters joins forces to battle a vicious race of alien invaders. But when a celebrated war hero goes down in defeat, the fate of the planet and mankind hangs in the balance.
Dying for a Daughter
Second Assistant Director
Samantha's life is turned upside down after a terrifying car accident leaves her 10-year-old daughter Cassie severely injured. Already struggling to balance her consuming work life with her deteriorating marriage to Cassie's father, Tom, Samantha hires a live-in-nurse Margaret to help her daughter recover. Margaret, embittered over the loss of her own child, embarks on a mission of vengeance against Samantha and Tom to get back the daughter she thinks is hers. Written by Hybrid, LLC
Second Assistant Director
Two New Orleans paramedics' lives are ripped apart after encountering a series of horrific deaths linked to a designer drug with bizarre, otherworldly effects.
Christmas Belles
Production Assistant
Despite being successful in their careers, two 30-something BFFs never stop hearing that they both need a man before it's too late. When a handsome pastor arrives just in time to kick off the Christmas season, both ladies try to make a move-but as their hilarious attempts to one up each other keep growing, it will be up to their family to remind them what the holiday season is truly about.
Second Second Assistant Director
恋か?仕事か?目指すは憧れの役員昇進! でも、この物件=恋は、かなりのハイリスクかも!? 仕事一筋のヒロインは、音信不通だった叔父が遺してくれたロッジを売却しようと現地へ。そこで彼女はこれまで知らなかった家族の存在に気づく。叔父の遺言で共同所有者となっていた青年と協力し、二人はロッジをB&Bに変えようとするが意見は対立。新しい家族を失いそうになった時、彼女は人生の決断を迫られるのだが…。都会のキャリアウーマンと田舎のリタイア男が冬山で繰り広げるホットなラブ・ロマンス!