Markus Frank


Visual Effects Supervisor
Paul Baumer and his friends Albert and Muller, egged on by romantic dreams of heroism, voluntarily enlist in the German army. Full of excitement and patriotic fervour, the boys enthusiastically march into a war they believe in. But once on the Western Front, they discover the soul-destroying horror of World War I.
The School of Magical Animals 2
Visual Effects Supervisor
Theater fun at the School of Magical Animals: The students want to perform a musical for the school's anniversary. Will the rehearsals end in chaos or will the class pull together? And what's up with the strange holes on the school grounds? With the help of the magical animals, the children learn what really matters: teamwork.
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück – Juris Rückkehr
Visual Effects Supervisor
30 years ago, Juri fled the GDR for the West via the Prague embassy and built up an existence in Canada. Thirty years later, he returns to his hometown of Eisenach to take care of his demented father, a former veterinarian. He also meets his former girlfriend Katharina again, who did not follow him onto the embassy grounds back in Prague and whom he has not seen again since. Katharina has been married for years now and is the mother of a grown-up son and a teenage daughter. She helps Juri find a place for his father in a nursing home and soon feels drawn to Juri again. Juri wants to return to Canada, but since the home placement for his father fails, Juri stays in Eisenach.
Ever After
Visual Effects Supervisor
An apocalyptic female buddy movie. Two years ago zombies took over the earth. Weimar and Jena are the last places of human civilisation. Vivi and Eva have to fight the undead together, as well as the demons of their past.
Digital Compositor
第二次世界大戦前夜の1938年、リーゼルは弟に先立たれ、ミュンヘン近郊の田舎町へ里子に出されて母と別々に暮らすことになる。里親のハンスはリーゼルが「墓掘り人の手引き」という奇妙な本を肌身離さず持っていることから、彼女が字を読めないことに気が付き、本を読み聞かせるようになる。そして、リーゼルは読み書きを学び、たくさんの本を通じて知識だけでなく、勇気と希望を与えられるのだった。 しかし、折りしもドイツはナチスによって自由を奪われ、本を読むことすら禁じられる。ある日リーゼルは、反ユダヤ主義の暴動が激化する広場で焼かれた大量の本の中から、焼け残った1冊の本をこっそりと持ち帰るのだが・・・。