Sarah Henty


Martha: A Picture Story
Sound Recordist
In 1970s New York, photographer Martha Cooper captured some of the first images of graffiti at a time when the city had declared war on it. Decades later, Cooper has become an influential godmother to a global movement of street artists.
Emu Runner
Sound Recordist
A spirited young girl in small town Australia forms a meaningful bond with a wild emu as she tries to cope with her beleaguered father, a naïve social worker, and her own painful grief in the aftermath of her mother’s sudden death.
Sound Recordist
After the unexpected death of his mother, a young football player, Julian Maxwell, finds himself struggling to support his depressed, unemployed father while fighting to keep safe the secret he once shared with his mother: He's not only gay, but performs drag shows. SHOWBOY is a film about family, loss and the exploration of freedom and sexuality in the face of affliction.