
出生 : , Europe


作家。1981年、神奈川県出身。蠍座。ニューヨーク、フロリダでの海外生活を経て、上智大学イスパニア語学科卒業。  10歳から1日も欠かさず日記を書き続け、大学在学中に初めての連載を持つ。20代の恋愛事情を赤裸々に綴ったエッセイ「おとこのつうしんぼ」(講談社)で2006年にデビュー。女性の圧倒的な支持を得て、「おとこ」シリーズは累計10万部越えのロングセラーを記録。2007年に出版した小説処女作「11センチのピンヒール」(小学館)もベストセラーに。  デビュー以来、女性ファッション誌にて連載を持つスタイルが主。流れゆくトレンドの中の「今・この瞬間」をリアルに切り取り、その中を生きる「女・その心情」を徹底的に描写する作風に定評がある。東京在住。二児の母。


University Co-Eds 12
Welcome to our twelfth edition of University Co-eds, and wow... what an issue! Never in my life have I seen so many beautiful young women in one issue... fuckin' incredible! For you avid porno hounds, we have an all European version that will knock your socks off! Our cover girl, Caroline is a sweet blonde Hungarian who just can't get enough cock to satisfy her insatiable desires. Her freshness and beauty are unparalleled in the history of University Co-eds. Mira is a Czech co-ed brunette with icy blue eyes that seem to be as alluring and cold as the frozen winter tundra. Her breathtaking natural beauty was mesmerizing and awesome in its power... She seemed to be as unspoiled and as innocent as a child. Linda Thorn is a Swedish blonde whose combination of youth, freshness and appetite for sex was amazing to see. Lilly is a Spanish co-ed who has an ass like a Russian racehorse. She plays a maid to a rich businessman whose desire for her are as hot as molten lava.