Dai Asaki


Line Producer
とある女子校に転校してきたアキ(=範田紗々)の周りで次々と怪事件が起こる。 予防接種を受けた先生と生徒が次々とゾンビ化し、人を襲い始めたのだ。しかし、何故か競泳部員たちだけは正気を保ち続けており、アキは競泳部に入部し、部員と共に反乱軍を結成して正体不明の敵に闘いを挑む。
Assistant Director of Photography
If you're crying alone today, may you laugh with someone tomorrow? It's the end of November and Ayumi, a fourth-year university student hasn't received a job offer. She meets her childhood friend, Chiharu, at a company interview as the last chance. She tells her that their mutual friend Iwata is in a mental hospital. Ayumi is disappointed to hear that her boyfriend Takuya, who lives with her, is working at the end of the year and beginning of the new year, but she receives the results of the exam. Meanwhile, Chiharu gives Iwata a sketchbook that she was given before she was hospitalised, with a gift in return. It's not all good, but it's not all bad either. The film is a series of episodes that subtly capture the reality of life. The film digests a timely topic without losing its newsworthiness and makes it a film that everyone can relate to.