Seishi Noma


愛ゆえに 〜ラブ・アゲイン〜
未亡人下宿? その4 今昔タマタマ数え歌
[Showa Edition] Ozaki, who is in the 10th year of the university ronin, came to the boarding house introduced at the boarding house, but there is a boarding house where the widow Yuko (Kaoru Kira), who has a large amount of debt, is working alone. So ... [Heisei edition] Ozaki heads for the exam, but the perpetrator is Miyuki (Reno Aihira), who runs a boarding house, and shakes the stick for a year ... [Reiwa] Disappointed to find out that the widow's boarding house has disappeared, Ozaki finds a share house run by a woman named Alisa (Chisa Hasegawa) ...
≫ヒットマン✕エロス✕タイムリープ!! 予測不能な物語と濃厚SEXで魅せるセクシーSFバイオレンス誕生!! 2020年、運命の選択をした瞬間を何度でも繰り返し、意中の美女とのヤリ直しを目指す男女の物語として大好評を博した「セクシータイム・リターン」のスタッフが再結集。前作から一転、「ヒットマン」という男のロマンの塊である要素を追加したダークな展開と、視聴者の想像を超えるエロスが渾然一体となった本作は、再び視聴者の涙と絶頂を搾り取ることは必至、高回転は間違いない! ≫ヒットマン、任務失敗・・・のはずが、快感絶頂の瞬間に逆戻り!? 裏切りとヤリ直しの連鎖の果てに男と女の愛欲が燃える!! 制止する恋人の手を振り切って、兄弟分との仁義を果たすために死地に臨むヒットマンは、非情な現実の前に命を落とした……はずだった。気がつくと彼はいつも恋人のカラダに愛を注いだあの瞬間に逆戻り!? 果たして男は本懐を遂げられるのか、そして彼女のセクシーボディに隠された秘密とは!?濃厚な愛と欲望の果てに待つ驚愕のラストを絶対に見逃すな! ≫反則級の笑顔とエロスが光る超絶美少女、花音うららVシネマ主演! ! 主演を務めるのは、本作がVシネマ主演第1作となる花音うらら。反則級にキュートな笑顔とセクシーボディをひっさげて2020年にデビュー! ミスiD2021ファイナリスト選出など、まさに飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いの超新星だ。フレッシュかつ妖艶な演技力に、もう興奮が止まらない! 【ストーリー】 最愛の恋人で、組のために刑期を全うしたヒットマンである勇作の出所を出迎える舞。数年ぶりの再会に狂おしく燃え上がる一夜を過ごす二人だが、勇作にはもう一人、撃たねばならぬ仇がいた。静かに愛を育みたい舞の願いも空しく、再び拳銃を手にする勇作だったが、あえなく敵の兇弾に斃れる・・・はずが、気がつくと舞と身体を重ねる出所の日の夜に逆戻り。今度こそ、今度こそー 繰り返す絶頂とタイムリープの果てに、勇作と舞は平和な明日を迎えることが出来るのか?
性鬼人間第三号 〜異次元の快楽〜
A manga artist and a minion who is desperate for life before his wife. Under him, Maya, a different-dimensional person who looks just like his wife, appears. Meanwhile, the Bizarre Case Investigation Institute considers Maya to be an invader ...
Masami of Aestheticians (Aya Sasami) graduated from his hometown vocational school two years ago, rolled into the former lover's Naoki (Ota Osamu) who had been in Tokyo earlier, began living together. However, in an era in which she became sexless with a lonely life, she exclaimed her sociability and left home to part with her. Such Masami wishes to visit Misa (Misa Saki) of my aunt who runs a coffee shop with her husband in the downtown of Tokyo and want me to stay for a while. Misa of good looking was accepted pleasantly for the wishes of the unbelievable Masami. However, her husband Takuya (Yasushi Takemoto) was a big objection. There is only one bedroom in the house on the second floor of the store, and it is impossible for a young girl like this to get up to sleep .... However, it was Takuya who accepts never-ending niece who can not hurry, but since that evening, a sleepless night starts from a strange "river character" living.
マン・ハンティング リデンプション
A man hunts girls who got lost in the jungle. When the news broke about one of the dead brutally murdered, a group of special forces is assigned to rescue whoever is still alive. Upon arriving at his hideout, they successfully rescue one. However little did they know that they are not dealing with an ordinary hunter. They too become a target and soon running for their lives is the only option.