Seiichi Hishikawa


In Komatsushima, a port town in Tokushima, Shikoku, Haruka Asakura lives with her effeminate father Goro Asakura, her uncle Kentaro Asakura who is in love with a prostitute, and her cousin Manabu Kurokawa who is an aspiring singer-songwriter. Never a dull moment at the dining table, each have their own problems, yet live happy lives. All of a sudden, a tragedy falls upon Haruka, sending the family into turmoil.
In Komatsushima, a port town in Tokushima, Shikoku, Haruka Asakura lives with her effeminate father Goro Asakura, her uncle Kentaro Asakura who is in love with a prostitute, and her cousin Manabu Kurokawa who is an aspiring singer-songwriter. Never a dull moment at the dining table, each have their own problems, yet live happy lives. All of a sudden, a tragedy falls upon Haruka, sending the family into turmoil.
The story of Yoji and Haruka two former high-school classmates who are now are getting married and want to spend the rest of their life together. With the changing seasons their life also changes.
The story of Yoji and Haruka two former high-school classmates who are now are getting married and want to spend the rest of their life together. With the changing seasons their life also changes.
The story of Yoji and Haruka two former high-school classmates who are now are getting married and want to spend the rest of their life together. With the changing seasons their life also changes.