John Hollis

John Hollis

出生 : 1931-01-24, Nottinghamshire - England - UK

死亡 : 2005-10-18


John Hollis was an English actor. He played the role of Lobot in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and the German porter at the chateau in The Dirty Dozen. He appeared in the classic 1978 film Superman as one of the Elders of Krypton, and reprised his role in the 1980 theatrical version of Superman II. He also played the role of Ernst Stavro Blofeld in the cold open of the 1981 James Bond film For Your Eyes Only, going uncredited due to the controversy over the film rights and characters of Thunderball. In this sequence, his character was famously lifted from a wheelchair and dropped to his death down a chimney stack by Bond after he had attempted to kill Bond by using a remote control link to Bond's MI6 helicopter. Hollis also took the role of Sondergaard in the Jon Pertwee era of Doctor Who in the story The Mutants, and appeared in The Avengers episode The Cybernauts as a sensei and also in The Tomorrow People. John Hollis was a versatile character actor for BBC Radio. Notable roles include Magwitch in Great Expectations, Leonard Bast in Howards End, Conan Doyle's Inspector Lestrade and Shakespeare's Bardolph.


John Hollis


Esther, the beautiful queen of Persia, intervenes to save the Jewish people from a bloody massacre.
Russian General 3 (Kremlin)
Hymer (voice)
Two children in the Viking age find their way into the magical world of Norse mythology.
Ernst Stavro Blofeld
Krypton Elder
パリのエッフェル塔がテロリストに占拠された! 取材に向かっていたロイスを救うため、クラークはスーパーマンに変身して、仕掛けられた核爆弾を地球圏外へ放り投げた。しかしその爆破は思わぬ結果を引き起こした。故郷クリプトン星を追放され、ファントム・ゾーンに閉じ込められていたゾッド将軍ら3悪人を自由にしてしまったのだ。超能力を利用して地球征服を企む3人。ロイスとの愛を実らせるため、一度は超能力を捨て、普通の人間になったクラークだったが、危機に瀕した世界を前に、3悪人の企みに立ち向かう──!
Klytus Observer No. 2
スター・ウォーズ エピソード5/帝国の逆襲
Lando's Aide
4th Elder (uncredited)
The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother
Moriarty's Gunman
After spending decades living in the shadow of his more famous and successful sibling, Consulting Detective Sigerson Holmes (Wilder) is called upon to help solve a crucial case that leads him on a hilarious trail of false identities, stolen documents, secret codes... and exposed backsides.
Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter
When several young girls are found dead, left hideously aged and void of blood, Dr Marcus suspects vampirism. He enlists the help of the Vampire Hunter. Mysterious and powerful, Kronos has dedicated his life to destroying the evil pestilence. Once a victim of its diabolical depravity, he knows the vampire's strengths and weaknesses as well as the extreme dangers attached to confronting the potent forces of darkness.
Detective Waiting
A cat and mouse game develops between a big man of crime and a young detective constable. But the big man doesn't realize, that this mouse roars.
German Porter at Chateau (uncredited)
占領下のフランス、ドイツ軍司令部を壊滅させるため、12人の囚人による特殊部隊が組織された。目指すは鉄壁の防御を誇る古城。彼らは命を顧みず、敵地深く潜入するが……。 いずれ劣らぬクセ者俳優たちが、それぞれのプロフェッショナルぶりを発揮する傑作アクション。
Fred (uncredited)
秘密組織スメルシュによって各国の諜報部員が次々と抹殺されて行く。英情報部は、007のコードネームを後輩に譲り今では隠居生活を営む元祖ジェームズ・ボンドにスメルシュ打倒を依頼するが……。ショーン・コネリーの007が人気を博していた当時、唯一版権が製作会社イオン・プロになかった『カジノ・ロワイヤル』をプロデューサー、チャールズ・K・フェルドマンがコロムビアで映画化した一大パロディ。笑いは泥臭く全く洗練されていないし、5人の監督の個性が裏目に出たのかシーンによっての落差が激しく、お世辞にも良く出来た作品とは言い難いが、とにかく賑やか。呆けて見るにはこれ以上の映画はないだろう。バート・バカラックの音楽は絶品、大ヒット主題歌“愛のおもかげ(Look of Love)”も素晴らしくサウンドトラックの充実が最大の魅力。
Low Water
In North East England men make a living collecting coal washed-up on beaches from underground seams.