Viktor Matisen

出生 : 1892-03-19,


A portrait of modern-day Moscow seen through the eyes of five women: a lawyer, a merchandiser, an interpreter, a marketing expert, and an actress.
The Railway
Mischa, a mute boy, sets out on a surrealistic journey together with his father and two men. Their means of transportation is an old Soviet locomotive, loaded with stolen coal. The travellers intend to sell off the loot on their way through the borderless steppes of inner Russia. As a parallel to the main plot, sequences of a mysterious travelling circus keep reappearing in a very suggestive way. Many of the odd artists at the circus are people that the four protagonists encounter in the wilderness along the overgrown railway. All through the movie there is a sensation of magic crossed with pure realism, stressed by the crackling communistic infrastructure and a twisted sense of humor. The border between reality and fantasy is very subtle here. The Railway is a story about strong family ties, but also an ambitious interpretation of the clash between the Russia of old and new. One could call it the rebirth of a long forgotten genre: the Russian wonder story.
幾度となく映画化されてきたロシアの文豪・トルストイの傑作ラブストーリーを、アレクサンドル・ザルヒが脚色・監督した文芸篇。政府の高官と政略結婚させられたアンナ。愛のない生活に満たされない日々を送っていた彼女は、ある日青年将校・ウロンスキーと出会う。ふたりは互いに惹かれ合うのだが…。 撮影はカラー作品は初めてというレオニード・カラーシニコフ、作曲はロジオン・シチェドリン、演奏はモスクワ室内オーケストラ。指揮はルドルフ・バルシャイである。美術はアレクサンドル・ボリソフ。出演は「戦争と貞操」のタチアナ・サモイロワ、舞台出身のワシリー・ラノボイ、「戦争と平和」のアナスタシア・ヴェルチンスカヤ、「小犬を連れた貴婦人」のイヤ・サーヴィナ、ニコライ・グリツェンコほか。アグファーカラー、70ミリ。
War and Peace
A seven-hour epic adaptation of the novel by Leo Tolstoy. The love story of young Countess Natasha Rostova and Count Pierre Bezukhov is interwoven with the Great Patriotic War of 1812 against Napoleon's invading army.
War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky
The first film of a four-part adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s 1869 novel. In St. Petersburg of 1805, Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of a rich nobleman, is introduced to high society. His friend, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, joins the Imperial Russian Army as aide-de-camp of General Mikhail Kutuzov in the War of the Third Coalition against Napoleon.
Wind from the East
Life in Bloom
professor (uncredited)
About the life of the Russian biologist Ivan Michurin. 1912 year. Having rejected American offers to work abroad, Michurin continues his research in the Russian Empire, despite the fact that his ideas are not perceived by the tsarist government, the church and idealistic science. Michurin is supported by prominent scientists of the country and he continues to work hard. After the October Revolution, a small Michurin garden in the city of Kozlov (the biologist's homeland) becomes a large state nursery.