Hidenori Inoue

出生 : 1960-01-24,


Japanese stage director. Creator of "Inoue Kabuki", a modern style of theatre inspired by kabuki.


福士蒼汰主演、劇団☆新感線のいのうえひでのりが現代に贈る大人のおとぎ話。日常から切り離され、様変わりした元の街にたたずむ浦島がした究極の選択とは!? 太宰治の短編「浦島さん」をもとにコロナ禍の現代を映した新作舞台、ヴィレッヂプロデュース2020「浦島さん」。“外に出ることなくこもっていた自粛期間”と“竜宮城”、“一瞬にして日常が変わった今”と“様変わりした元の街にたたずむ浦島”とを掛け合わせた。元の生活に戻りたいと願うのか、前に進もうとするのか、浦島は玉手箱を開けるかどうか究極の選択をする。 主演は「『髑髏城の七人』 Season月 上弦の月」で初舞台を踏んだ福士蒼汰。公演延期となった「神州無頼街」でいのうえひでのりとタッグを組む姿が待ち焦がれられていた彼が、この企画にあらためて共鳴し、理屈っぽい名家のボンボンである浦島太郎役で新たな魅力を発揮。ともに旅をする亀とのけんかはまるでSNS上の“クソリプ”の送り合いのよう。乙姫との感覚のズレも笑いを誘う。 演出は劇団☆新感線のいのうえひでのり。“コロナ禍でも楽しめるエンターテインメント”を模索する中“今ならでは”の3人芝居への挑戦へ至った。脚色は、圧倒的な筆力で二重三重の織物のような劇構造の中に真実を構築する倉持裕。才筆を振るい、最高の台本を作り上げた。乙姫はなぜ玉手箱を渡したのか?人との関わりが激減した今、人間にとって何が大切なのか、気付かせてくれる傑作。
宮野真守、井上小百合が歌い演じる“ストーカー男”と“ドSな少女”。劇団☆新感線のいのうえひでのりが人間のさがを描く究極のエンターテインメント。 劇団☆新感線のいのうえひでのりが“決してエンターテインメントを諦めない!”という決意で“今ならでは”の2人芝居への挑戦をした、ヴィレッヂプロデュース2020「カチカチ山」。「密にならない最少規模の公演と銘打っていますが、僕自身としては結果的には過去最大のチャレンジとなっています」と語るのは主演の宮野真守。公演延期となった「神州無頼街」で福士蒼汰とタッグを組む姿が待ち焦がれられていた宮野が、この企画にあらためて共鳴し、コメディ要素の強い役を歌も交えて全身で演じる。共演は乃木坂46の1期生として活動、昨年春卒業し女優として活躍中の井上小百合。 太宰治の短編「カチカチ山」をもとにストーカーとなった男とドSな少女の駆け引きを描いた本作。人間の心のひだを書かせたら日本一の青木豪が最高の台本を書いた。2人芝居とは思えないエンターテインメント色豊かな演出で人間の心の闇と愚かしさ、残酷性を際立たせ「人を好きになってしまうこと」「夢を諦めないこと」とはどういうことなのかを浮き彫りにする。
WOWOWが劇場や演劇人とタッグを組んで展開するオリジナル番組。第2弾は劇団☆新感線の思い出の地、東京・サンシャイン劇場。いのうえひでのりが朗読劇を演出。 「劇場の灯を消すな!」は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響を受け、公演の延期・中止が続いている劇場においてオリジナル番組を制作する、WOWOWによる演劇プロジェクト。第2弾は、劇団☆新感線がこれまで数々の公演を行なってきた東京・池袋のサンシャイン劇場を舞台に番組制作を行なう。 番組では、“勝手な○○”と題しての劇場案内や座談会、放談のコーナーに加えて、同劇団を主宰するいのうえひでのりが演出する朗読劇をお届け。本番組に出演するのは、粟根まこと、池田成志、いのうえひでのり、入江雅人、勝地 涼、高田聖子、徳永京子、中井美穂、中谷さとみ、橋本じゅん、古田新太、松雪泰子(※表記は50音順)という、劇団☆新感線ゆかりの豪華な面々。 WOWOWと、2020年に旗揚げ40周年を迎える劇団☆新感線によって、サンシャイン劇場を舞台に繰り広げられる特別なエンターテインメントを、ぜひ堪能していただきたい!
髑髏城の七人 Season月 下弦の月
嘘つきは侍のはじまり……古田新太、池田成志がバディとなって珍道中!?豪華俳優陣による大どんでん返しに次ぐ大どんでん返し!歌あり、笑いありのダイナミックな痛快活劇 劇団☆新感線が「いのうえ歌舞伎《亞》alternative」と銘打った、これまでとはひと味違った娯楽時代劇「けむりの軍団」。「乱鶯」以来の倉持裕脚本作品で、さまざまなシチュエーション、キャラクター設定の端々に名作映画へのオマージュをちりばめながら、コミカルにスピーディーに、あっと驚く意外な展開へと物語は転がっていく。ダイナミックさと緻密さを兼ね備えますます進化するいのうえひでのりの演出が加わり、新感線ならではの面白要素で観る者を爽快な気分に。 主人公の浪人役を演じる古田新太をはじめ、百戦錬磨のキャリアを持つ池田成志ら豪華手だれ俳優が集結。また、超絶技巧の殺陣を披露する早乙女太一、「髑髏城の七人」Season花と月で新感線にそれぞれ初参加した清野菜名と須賀健太、高田聖子、粟根まことらおなじみの劇団員も出演。ひねりの効いた脚本、凝りまくった演出で、徹底したエンターテインメントを目指したダイナミックな舞台だ。
髑髏城の七人 Season風
In Japan in the 1590s, the wandering samurai gathered to fight the nobles of the Skull Castle. In the performance of the "Wind" version that is shown in the theater on a 360-degree rotating stage.
Stray Nightingale
Juzaburo, known as a chivalrous robber, is one day betrayed by his henchman and his entire gang is slaughtered. The gravely wounded Juzuaburo escapes and is saved by Inspector Sadaemon and a couple, Kansuke and Okayo, who run a tavern. There, Juzuaburo retires and changes his name to Genzaburo.
Stage Director
Soma, an immigrant from a defeated country, lives as a fortuneteller in Japan. She is saved from corrupt court officials by Kojiro Masakado, a warrior from Bando. They get swept up in a conflict between Bando and the imperial forces.
Stage Director
A recording of the 2003 production of the 1987 play. An evil nun known as Bizan wishes to bring back to life the demon monarch Ashura, so that the oni may rule the world. But that’s not an easy task with the Demon Wardens scouring the land and taking care of demons who have taken on human form. Five years ago, Wakuraba Izumo served as a Demon Warden lieutenant alongside his chief, Kuninari and the slightly mental Abe Jaku. Since then he’s retired and has been enjoying success as a lead actor for the Nakamura Kabuki troupe, led by playwright Nanboku Tsuruya IV, while his former colleagues continue to fight the good fight. Meanwhile the police authorities have been struggling to capture the thief known as “The Night Camellia.
劇団☆新感線 「ZIPANG PUNK〜五右衛門ロック III」
Stage Director
Goemon Ishikawa steals a golden statue from Yukari Kukai with female thief Neko no Me Ogin, but Private Detective Shinkuro Akechi chases after Goemon Ishikawa and Neko no Me Ogin. Detective Shinkuro Akechi discovers that there is a code hidden within the golden statue. The code reveals the location where gold is hidden. Meanwhile, outlaws gather under Goemon Ishikawa.
Stage Director
Two souls were drawn to each other without any possible escape from their doomed fates. It was in an era when the country was divided in the north and the south. A legendary woman "Shiren"(Hiromi NAGASAKU) who was born to a family of assassins. A young sword fighter "Ragi"(Tatsuya FUJIWARA) who looked up to Shiren with admiration. News was brought to the north that said the King of the South "Godai"(Katsumi TAKAHASHI) has revived who once was assassinated by Shiren. Shiren was once again ordered by "kyougoku"(Arata FURUTA), a high-ranking vassal of the North, to assassinate Godai. Shiren was upset about Godai being still alive whom she believed she had killed. Ragi who sensed Shiren's distress volunteered to accompany her on the mission. Shiren's cold heart started to melt by seeing Ragi's determination to be there for and support her. Finally the moment to attack Godai comes. It was the moment when an astonishing truth was revealed to the two who had shared their love by that time.
Stage Director
After the demise of warlord Nobunaga ODA, Japan was about to be unified by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI. However, there was one man in Kanto region that was defiant to it. That man, who named himself TenmaOh (Mirai MORIYAMA) and leads the KANTO DOKURO-TO, an armed group hiding in the pitch-black DOKURO-JO (skull castle), once worked for NOBUNAGA. Sutenosuke (Shun OGURI) happens to rescue a woman who has been chased by the KANTO DOKURO-TO, which was headed by the bloodthirsty madman TenmaOh.
Bara to samurai
Stage Director
A woman has thrown herself away for rescuing a country. A man has picked up a sword to protect a woman. Time in the 17th century, and place in the Iberian Peninsula. The master thief of the era Goemon ISHIKAWA (Arata FURUTA) has been rampaging in the Mediterranean Sea as a protector of a female pirate named Anne the Tornado (Yuki AMAMI)./span> One day, it turns out that Anne is the heir-to-the-throne of a small country. Heard of the corrupt politics in that country after the king's death, her inborn masculine spirit makes-up her mind to become the Queen of the country. The first duty as the Queen is to eradicate the pirates. Against her will, she is forced into a fight against Goemon who protected her former comrades. Godemon, who became suspicious of the series of events, brakes into the castle to steal Anne out. What Goemon saw there was ......!? What would be the fate of Goemon and Anne...!!
A story of an island country named Horai that was finally about to be integrated under one political administration. Domon DATE, an innocent man confined in a prison island. After 10 years of imprisonment, he kept his sanity by dreaming of retaliating against those who framed him up. He breaks the prison with the help of a man incarcerated in the deepest corner of the prison island. The man identified himself as Saji. His steady road to revenge was obstructed by a woman named Mikoto, the once fiancée of his. Can Domon get his revenge? Who is the man who identified himself as Saji? What are the hidden thoughts of Mikoto?
In 2008, the overwhelmingly popular SHINKANSEN has turned Tokyo and Osaka into whirls of excitement. With a live band playing the music on stage, “GOEMON ROCK” is filled with songs, dances, laughter and tears in the detonating sound of rock music. It is a must-see performance that makes every bit of the stage simply explosive.