Enrico Lo Verso

Enrico Lo Verso

出生 : 1964-01-18, Palermo, Sicily, Italy


Enrico Lo Verso (born January 18, 1964) is an Italian actor. He studied acting at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia and INDA|Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico. Description above from the Wikipedia article Enrico Lo Verso, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Enrico Lo Verso
Enrico Lo Verso
Enrico Lo Verso


Donato degli Albanzani
Based on the life and times of the poet Dante Alighieri.
A group of spanish tourists in Venice finds themselves fighting for their lives against locals that are not too keen on foreigners.
Io sono... Italia
Magari resto
Don Fabio
In the splendid setting of the Cilento, Francesca is preparing for her wedding but feels that something in her life is not quite right. Surrounded by her longtime friends, with wedding preparations in full swing, she begins to ask herself important questions and to look for answers where she has always built her most solid certitudes, as ever finding help from her counsellor, Don Fabio. She will end up stumbling on a truth that will completely subvert the tidiness of her life, questioning her tenets, only to realize she is ready to find herself.
The Cat & the Moon
amico di Sonia
Michelangelo Endless
A painter recounts the life of Michelangelo.
Sara's Notebook
Father Salvio
Laura has spent years looking for her sister Sara who went missing in the depths of the jungle in the Congo. Neither the NGO she works for, nor the embassy, have news on her whereabouts until a photo appears of Sara in a mining town. Apparently, Sara is being held captive by The Hawk, the fearsome rebel leader who controls the mafias behind the prized mineral coltan.
Raphael: The Lord of the Arts
Giovanni Santi
Raphael: The Lord of the Arts is a documentary about the 15th century Italian Renaissance painter Raphael Sanzio.
Quel bravo ragazzo
Salvo La Mantia
Boris Giuliano: Un poliziotto a Palermo
Leonardo Vitale
Ustica: The Missing Paper
dottor Morabito
Nomi e cognomi
Domenico Riva
Human Voice
'Human Voice' is based on Jean Cocteau's iconic one woman play of the same name. Set against the backdrop of Naples, Italy, in 1950, this romantic drama tells the story of Angela, (played by Sophia Loren), a woman in the twilight of her years who rides the emotional roller coaster of her last telephone conversation with the man she loves as he is leaving her for another woman.
The Nightshift Belongs to the Stars
Matteo and Sonia meet in a hospital on the eve of their respective open heart surgeries. They share a common passion for mountaineering and make a vow that if their operations succeed, they will meet in 6 months time to climb together a peak in the Italian Alps. Will their hearts survive the challenge?
Day of the Siege
Karà Mustafà
Storyline: In the summer of 1683, 300 000 Ottoman Empire's warriors begin the siege of Vienna. City's fall, will open way to conquer the Europe. The Sept 11 is the day of main battle between Polish cavalry under the King Jan III Sobieski and Turks.
Convitto Falcone
Padre di Antonio Conti
La donna velata
Cesare Orsini
Dopo quella notte
Francesco and Elena, Roberto and Flavia, Thomas and Virginia, make up a fixed and tight-knit company for three years now, they are all living in Rome and come from good families. Elena and Francesco are two twenty-five and to be married, Roberto and Flavia are twenty years and in love with the impetus of youth; Tommaso and Virginia are two singles that have in common the fact that they feel out of lace in the world. The union of these characters will be shocked by the death of Francesco as a result of a car accident, the loss of his friend upset the lives of everyone.
A hotel room in the center of Rome serves as the setting for Alba and Natasha, two young and recently acquainted women, to have a physical adventure that touches their very souls.
イタリアのシチリア州バーリアで、ペッピーノは牛飼いの次男としてすくすくと育つ。ファシズムの支配も終わり、第2次世界大戦を経て共和国へと移行したころ、ペッピーノ(フランチェスコ・シャンナ)はマンニーナ(マルガレット・マデ)と恋に落ちる。だが、彼女の家族は貧しい彼との交際を許さず……。 『題名のない子守唄』などの巨匠、ジュゼッペ・トルナトーレ監督が故郷シチリアを舞台に描く壮大な人生賛歌。トルナトーレ監督自らの半生を基に、1930年代から1980年代にかけてのある家族の喜怒哀楽を生き生きと映し出す。主役を務めるのは、期待の新星フランチェスコ・シャンナ。トップモデルとして活躍するマルガレット・マデがその妻役で出演を飾る。3世代にわたる一家の物語や、たくましく生きるシチリアの人々の生命力に驚嘆する。
Israeli filmmaker Amos Gitaï offers a look impressionist long history of armed conflict in their nation.
La bella società
Milano-Palermo: Il Ritorno
Rocco Scalia
Il giorno, la notte. Poi l'alba
Matematico di corte
The Nautical Chart
Coy, a sailor without ship, banished from the sea by a navigation accident occurred during his guard, knows in an auction of naval objects in Barcelona to an attractive and mysterious woman, Tangier. This, in hard struggle with an Italian adventurer, Nino Palermo, manages to get a cartographic jewel of eighteen, the Maritime Atlas of Urrutia.
Come le formiche
The Final Inquiry
It is the year 33 of the Vulgar Era. The Emperor Tiberius is troubled by strange phenomena, an earthquake and the sky turning black as an eclipse. His astrologers give him fair warning: their omens indicate that the world is in the throes of a great upheaval and that old gods have been annihilated. A new kingdom is about to rise in the East. The Emperor calls Tito Valerio Tauro, the most prominent
Mirush leaves Kosovo hoping to find his father in Norway, who abandoned the family when Mirush was very young. Now the father runs a restaurant in Oslo, but he is also in deep debt to the Albanian Mafia. Mirush starts to work in his father's restaurant without letting him know that he is his son.
Salvatore. Questa è la vita
Salvatore is a young orphan, living in Sicily with his little sister and his grandmother; after loosing his father in a tragic way he quits school and starts working as a fisherman and a farmer in order to support his little family. The Social Services soon discover the situation and resolve to put Salvatore in an orphanage, parting him from his family. Only a young, idealistic teacher (Enrico Lo Verso) tries to help him, going everyday after school to his house, to teach him the lessons he misses in the morning and to work with him in his greenhouse or on his fishing boat.
Tre giorni di anarchia
Marshall Evans
During changing times a White family find themsleves falling in-love with their Black next door neighbors.
ミネハハ 秘密の森の少女たち
『エコール』の原作、フランク・ヴェデキント「ミネハハ」を再び映画化! 少女たちが紡ぐ美しく、ミステリアスで、哀しい物語――。 原作はドイツ表現主義の先駆者である、劇作家フランク・ヴェデキント。 彼が書いた中篇小説「ミネハハ」は、昨年映画『エコール』として映像化され、大きな話題を呼んだ。 監督は『ロビン・フッド』や『戦争の犬たち』などの作品を残している名匠ジョン・アーヴィン。 美しさと残酷さが共存する瞬間を見事に捉えている。 <あらすじ> 街外れの美しく奥深い森に佇む洋館。そこへ幼女たちが運ばれて来る。 厳しい規則に縛られ、隔離された世界で育てられる穢れを知らない少女たちは、やがて学園に潜む謎に気づき始める。 好奇心の強いヴェラに連れられて、秘密の部屋に忍び込んだヒダラとイレーネは、迫る足音に怯え逃げ出すが、ヴェラは部屋に閉じ込められてしまう。次の日、ヴェラは学園から消えてしまった。そんな中、学園の後援者である伯爵を迎えて、バレエを披露することになり、ヒダラはプリマに抜擢される。ヒダラを愛するイレーネは共に喜ぶ。 しかし訪れた公演当日、学園の本当の目的が明らかになり、少女たちは悲劇的な結末を迎えるのだった……。
Che Guevara
Fidel Castro
When he is captured in Bolivia, the "Che" is conducted to prission, when he remembers his life facts, the revolution and the women.
Posso chiamarti amore?
L'amore imperfetto
Judas: Close to Jesus
Pilate and the Roman legate Veturius look on worriedly as Jesus is celebrated as the new messiah in Jerusalem, fearing an uprising. Veturius decides to have Jesus arrested as soon as a suitable opportunity presents itself. Judas is delighted by the reception Jesus is receiving, and quickly wants to win over the influential merchants to the cause which would make him the king and the liberator of the Jews.
全米を恐怖に陥れた「バッファロー・ビル事件」から10年……。 ボルチモアの大富豪メイスン・ヴァージャー(ゲイリー・オールドマン)は、刑務所から脱獄したハンニバル・レクター(アンソニー・ホプキンズ)の行方を追っていた。当時レクターと接触していたFBI特別捜査官クラリス・スターリング(ジュリアン・ムーア)は、リッチモンド (バージニア州)の麻薬捜査で多数の犠牲者を出したことで遺族から告訴されていた。政財界に絶大な影響力をもつメイスンは、マスコミの報道でクラリスの存在を知り、司法省のポール・クレンドラー(レイ・リオッタ)を利用し、クラリスをレクターの捜査に復帰させようと目論む。 そして、10年前にボルティモアの精神病院から脱獄したレクターは、イタリアのフィレンツェに潜伏していた。
After many years spent in prison, Pitou returns back to his native town of Marseille. He couldn't even imagine all the disappointments he would face there.
Li chiamarono... briganti!
Carmine Crocco
Del perduto amore
Dott. Satriano
As You Want Me
Domenico /Desideria
Pasquale is a policeman in Roma. During a roundup he meets Desideria. He/she is a transsexual, living together with other two trans , Gaia and Gioia. But overall Desideria is an old friend of Pasquale, they already been attending the same schools. Desideria immediately fall in love for Pasquale. But the policeman has a fiancé, Nellina, even if too far so they meet rarely. That's why Pasquale could change idea about Desideria.
Five soldiers and their punishment.
Bits & Pieces
Dive into the Eternal City – see Rome like you’ve never seen it before. Storefront robberies, bizarre murders, career dreamers, and cameos from Italy's foremost directors and actors feature in this star-studded omnibus tale about life and love.
An ordinary man is called upon by God to do the impossible in this lovingly told production of the Old Testament story. When the Pharaoh of Egypt begins to tighten the noose on his Jewish slaves, Moses (Ben Kingsley) leads them to freedom. Philip Stone, Anthony Higgins, Anton Lesser and Anita Zagaria are featured in this award-winning installment from TNT's "greatest stories of the Bible" series directed by Roger Young.
Riccardo Broschi
Farinelli is a 1994 biopic film about the life and career of Italian opera singer Farinelli, considered one of the greatest castrato singers of all time.
Fiore, an Italian conman, arrives in post Communist Albania with Gino, his young apprentice, to set up a shoe factory that will never open. The con requires a native Albanian, so they designate Spiro, an impoverished and confused former political prisoner as chairman of the board. When Fiore returns to Italy to get government funds for the project, Spiro unexpectedly disappears and Gino sets out on a journey to find him. The search leads him to discover Spiro's tragic personal history and witness Albanian poverty firsthand.
Mario, Maria and Mario
Mario Della Rocca
Mario and Maria Boschi, a 30-year-old couple with small children, are hit by a crisis: husband and wife cannot agree on a party name. A colleague, also named Mario, makes an impressive speech, and Maria find herself increasingly attracted to him. She feels able to relate to him like she could to her husband in the old days. They spend the night together, and she falls ill. When she is asked by her husband to leave the house, she realizes that there may be a difference between real love and a vague need for understanding.
The Escort
Andrea Corsale
The film shows the difficulties of an honest, imperiled judge and his bodyguard of four men, trying to clean up a Sicilian town. Corrupt local politicians, working hand-in-hand with the Mafia, will stop at nothing to prevent exposure of their rackets.
Volevamo essere gli U2
Close Friends
Fifteen-year-old Sabrina has lived with her father since he split with her mother. As the film unfolds it gradually becomes clear that Sabrina is a victim of incest.
The Stolen Children
Antonio, a policeman (carabiniere), has an order to take two children (Rosetta and her brother Luciano) from Milan to Sicily to an orphanage. Their mother has been arrested for forcing Rosetta (11 years old) to work as a prostitute. First the relation between Antonio and the children is tough, but it relaxes so they become temporary friends.
Act of Sorrow
In this painful melodrama, an aging mother (Claudia Cardinale) attempts to cope with the progressive deterioration of her grown son due to his drug addiction. At first only manipulative, in addition to stealing from her he eventually becomes abusive and violent, and she must take strong measures if she is to save her own life, much less his.