Lucille Guillaume

Lucille Guillaume

出生 : 1999-01-02, Paris, France


Lucille Guillaume


When Elina, a young aspiring rapper forced to move from Finland to southern France, meets Sofia, her new step-sister and an impressive ballerina, she immediately falls in love with her.
Mauvaises Graines
No Filter
Eugénie Mazuret
Beatrice celebrates with her family the release of her book: she tells about the accident of her husband Frederic. He became blind and without filter - always so funny and seductive, he is totally unpredictable. But this book, hymn-to-life, will turn into a joyful fist because if Beatrice changed the names, each of his friends seeks to find his character. The book awakens secret jealousies, while the group of friends and family pitch.
Blonde Animals
Fabien, former star of a television show, always seems disoriented when he wakes up. He feels abandoned since the disappearance of Corinne, his co-star, whom he loved so much. Nothing surprises him already, not even his encounter with Yoni, a sad young man, who carries in a bag a beautiful and disturbing token of his own loss.
Hors de la Brume