Toshiyuki Honma


Assistant Director
Taishi lives with his father Kazushi. His mother left home when Taishi was very young and he barely has any memories of her. He believes that his mother left home to study in Paris. His favorite moments come once a week when he receives a letter from his mother. But one day, during Taishi's summer vacation, he learns that his mother isn't in Paris but in Shodoshima, Japan. Taishi then decides to take his pet dog with him and bicycle from his hometown of Yokohama all the way to Shodoshima. On his 500 kilometers trip to Shodoshima, Taishi meets various peoples and touches their hearts, while leaving behind small miracles. What Taishi doesn't know about his mother is that she suffers from memory loss and that's why she lives apart from her family. Taishi's father Kazushi soon learns that his son has left for Shodoshima and he sets out to find his son.
Assistant Director
泉谷いちこ、18歳。語学学校にCDショップのバイトにと、若者生活謳歌中。ママの亡き後男手一つで育ててくれた翻訳家のパパと、二人暮らしの毎日。そんないちこが恋をした。とてもステキで聡明で、いろんな世界を教えてくれる人。その名は城島エリー。そう、女なのだ。エリーを恋人だと紹介すると、パパは驚きつつも2 人の関係を理解してくれる。さすがパパ!心が広い。前衛文学を訳しているだけのことあるじゃない。その代わり、ある告白がいちこを待っていた。